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Trump Replies Biden, Harris over leaked golfing video with Barron Trump in tow

Former President Donald Trump apparently lambasted President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris during what appears to be a leaked video from a golf course.

The tweet posted by The Daily Beast shows Trump, the 78-year-old presumptive Republican presidential nominee, sitting in a golf cart with his son, Barron Trump, as the former president blasts the 81-year-old Biden.

Trump is seen at the beginning of the video holding a handful of cash and asking folks, “How did I do with the debate the other night?” 

“We kicked that old, broken down pile of crap,” Trump is heard saying to those surrounding his golf cart before handing out bills. “He’s a bad guy.

“He just quit, you know — he’s quitting the race,” Trump kept saying. “I got him out — and that means we have Kamala.”

“I think she’s going to be better. She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic. She’s so f--king bad.” 

Trump then redirected focus back to Biden's dealing with Russia and China.

“Can you imagine that guy dealing with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin? And the president of China — who’s a fierce person. He’s a fierce man, very tough guy,” Trump said of Xi Jinping. 

“They just announced he’s probably quitting. Just keep knocking him out, huh?” 

Trump then faced forward in his cart and drove away. It's unclear which golf course the video was taken.

Entrepreneur and Democratic donor Dmitri Mehlhorndefended President Biden as the party's best bet to keep the White House in 2024 after saying in a private phone call that Biden is a much better candidate than Vice President Kamala Harris. 

In the leaked call, Mehlhorn said that Harris is "more threatening" to swing voters than a "dead Joe Biden, or a comatose Joe Biden." 

"That particular quote was only in the context of an extreme case," Mehlhorn told "Fox & Friends" co-host Lawrence Jones. "I was trying to make the point that Joe Biden has a brand, a reputation with the American public that is incredibly helpful against Donald Trump." 

"Joe Biden is patriotic and honest and decent, no matter what anyone has said," he added, contrasting Biden with Trump's "authoritarian movement." 

Pressed on whether Biden can handle the job as president after his poor performance at the CNN Presidential Debate, Mehlhorn defended Biden's mental acuity and accused former President Donald Trump of being unable to "distinguish between fact and fiction." 

As calls for President Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race increase in the wake of last week's presidential debate, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmermay be a top pick to replace him on the ticket, despite denying involvement in a "Draft Gretch" shadow campaign. But her chances against former President Donald Trump in November would be an uphill battle, according to one expert.

"She's doing the right thing in terms of denying that she's interested because she can't appear to be disloyal," said Tevi Troy, a former White House aide and deputy secretary of Health and Human Services under the Bush administration, in an interview with Fox News Digital.

"I had a politician friend of mine describe this to me as the Cinderella at the ball scenario. Everyone knows that the clock is running out and that at midnight everything changes, but at the same time, the prince is handsome, and the champagne is flowing, so you're enjoying the dancing. But the smart people are kind of eyeing the door and making sure they're positioned at the door while they're dancing around midnight."

Whitmer, who won re-election in 2022 by a double-digit margin, has previously hinted at interest in a presidential run and has reportedly vaulted to the top of the list in terms of donor preference in recent weeks.

Online supporters have been pushing a "Draft Gretch" message, and Politico reported after the debate that Whitmer spoke with Democratic Party leadership and disavowed that movement while disagreeing with reports that said she warned Biden has no chance of winning Michigan, calling it "total bulls---."

"I am proud to support Joe Biden as our nominee and I am behind him 100 percent in the fight to defeat Donald Trump," Whitmer said in a statement on Monday. "Not only do I believe Joe can win Michigan, I know he can because he’s got the receipts."

The Boston Globe editorial board on Wednesday published a column arguing that at this point, Biden running for office is too big of a risk, and that he must step aside soon so that a more suitable Democratic candidate can be nominated. 

"For the good of the country, his party, and his legacy, Biden must do this. And soon," it declared.

The Globe’s editorial began by slamming Biden’s team for not being able to "adequately" explain "why his performance was historically bad, beyond that he had a cold." It went on to reject his allies’ defense that keeping Biden is still the country's least risky move to beating Trump and that trying to select a new party nominee would be too risky.

"Maybe. But in the view of this board, and a growing number of other editorial pages and Democratic officials, the greater risk lies in allowing Biden to continue as the party’s standard-bearer," the board wrote. "Serious questions are now in play about his ability to complete the arduous work of being leader of the free world. Can he negotiate with a hostile Republican Congress, dangerous foreign powers, or even fractious rivals within his own Cabinet? The nation’s confidence has been shaken."

President Biden’s official White House X accountappeared to feature a gaffe of its own Tuesday afternoon in a now-deleted post.

@POTUS was trying to comment on a Louisiana federal judge issuing a preliminary injunction on the White House’s ban on new liquefied natural gas exports. The lawsuit was previously filed by a group of 16 Republican states opposing Biden’s efforts to limit energy projects.

When remarking on the ruling, however, Biden’s account mistakenly referred to it as a "Supreme Court ruling" rather than a federal court ruling.

"Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling on our pause on Liquified Natural Gas exports is incredibly disappointing. I'll continue doing everything I can to protect our environment and our communities, while ensuring America’s energy security," the post read.

The original post was deleted and can no longer be seen and has since been replaced with a new post that says, "Yesterday's court ruling on our pause on Liquified Natural Gas exports is incredibly disappointing. I'll continue doing everything I can to protect our environment and our communities, while ensuring America’s energy security."

Fox A new national poll indicates that former President Trump's lead over President Biden in their 2024 election rematch is widening in the wake of last week's heavily criticized debate performance by Biden.

And the survey, released Wednesday by The New York Times and Siena College, spotlights a surge in concerns that the 81-year-old Biden, the oldest president in the nation's history, is unable to govern the nation effectively.

According to the poll, Trump now tops Biden 49%-43% among likely voters nationwide, which is a three-point swing toward the presumptive GOP presidential nominee from the previous New York Times/Siena College poll from just a week ago.

And Trump's lead over Biden edges up to 49%-41% among the larger pool of registered voters.

A couple of hours after the New York Times/Siena College poll release, another well-known national survey made similar headlines.

Trump topped Biden 48%-42% among registered voters in a Wall Street Journal poll. The former president's lead over the Democratic incumbent in the White House was up from a two-point edge in February.'

President Biden's campaign claimed former President Trump wants to "Make America a Monarchy Again" in an Independence Day statement. 

The Democratic campaign referred to Trump as a "dictator" and asserted the presumptive Republican nominee wants to "rip away" American freedoms. 

“Today is a day to celebrate the freedoms Donald Trump is trying to rip away, to honor the troops Trump has called ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’ and to mark the birth of our democracy as convicted felon Donald Trump fights to make himself a dictator," Biden-Harris 2024 Spokesperson Sarafina Chitika said.

“This July Fourth, the stakes of the election ahead couldn’t be higher—and everything we value as Americans is on the line. Voters will be faced with a decision between Joe Biden—who has fought to protect our freedoms, our democracy, and our troops– and a wannabe despot who only cares about himself. The choice could not be more clear.”

 members of the White House press corps who have regular exposure to President Biden are now admitting they were "turned off" from exposing his mental decline before last week's debate in part because of the attention it has got from "right-wing media."

Since Biden's shocking debate performance, the legacy media has faced intense backlash from critics accusing them of participating in a cover-up on behalf of the president.

CNN reported Tuesday that reporters working from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. are now expressing regret for not pursuing the political bombshell more seriously.

However, some are admitting they didn't want to feed into the "right-wing talking point" about 81-year-old Biden.

"Biden’s age was also a right-wing talking point for years, something the White House was quick to point out to reporters, which may have inadvertently turned off any serious investigation," CNN reported. 

The report accused "right-wing media figures" of sharing "deceptively edited clips" of Biden, citing the one from the G7 Summit where Biden stepped away from other world leaders to give a thumbs up to parachutists off-camera, prompting Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to corral him back to the group for a photo-op, rejecting allegations he was "wandering off."

"The right-wing media was calling him senile from day one, and that wasn’t true," one unnamed reporter told CNN. "Then whenever you report on the age you were in some ways solidifying, giving credence to some people that were actually of bad faith."

Fox News Digital's Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to President Biden and his allies have released several reasons for his poor performance in the presidential debate, but one reporter on Wednesday argued their explanations don’t make sense.

Biden's showing in last week’s presidential debate has sent the Democratic Party into a panic about his chances in November against former President Trump. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in the following days maintained that the president’s poor debate performance was due to his having "a cold" and echoed his own explanation from Tuesday night — that he was still recovering from "jet lag" following his trip to Europe for the G-7 summit. 

"It was not his best night. He had a cold. He was jetlagged," she said. "You heard directly from the president about this. And when he gets knocked down, he gets right back up."

But when asked about the "evolving messaging from the White House" on CNN, Axios national political reporter Alex Thompson argued that the excuses don’t hold up.

"I mean, we really don‘t have enough time in the segment to go through the shifting explanations, because it is — listen, they didn‘t even say that he had a cold until an hour into the debate," he said. "Then, earlier this week — you know, Joe Biden has actually really never even referenced that he had a cold. Then Karine Jean-Pierre said that he actually had no cold medication when he said he had a cold."

Thompson continued, "Then he said, ‘Oh, it’s really about the travel.’ But then you also have to remember that he was already in the Eastern Time Zone for about 10 days before the debate. Yes, he traveled a lot in early June, but they arranged this to have a lot of downtime."

"The White House has still not been able to try to hone in on an explanation for why Joe Biden at the debate could not even string simple sentences together," he added.

Fox News Digital's Alexander Hall contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo

Biden aides accept ultimatum for president to demonstrate fitness for office or step aside: report

President Biden and his top officials say they have accepted an ultimatum from the Democratic Partythat the president must demonstrate to the nation he is fit for office or face a concerted effort to have him bow out of the race.

Critics tell The Washington Post they are unnerved by the lack of urgency from within the Biden administration after his disastrous debate performance ignited calls from within his own party to step down.

One senior campaign adviser called Biden’s reticence “a deafening silence.”

“I think the onus is really on Biden right now to be very candid with all of us privately, not publicly, not that we’re going to tell reporters, but to be very candid with us privately about what happened, what is the larger issue? Can we get through this?” Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill., told The Post. "We do need more than emails of polling briefs from White House legislative affairs directors right now to assuage those concerns.”

Earlier Wednesday, the Biden campaign sent out an email to supporters clarifying that the president had no plans to back out of the race.

President Biden is "absolutely not" considering dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Wednesday. 

The White House has maintained Biden will continue running for a second term, even amid pressure from Democrats and former staffers and allies to step aside. 

A New York Times report was published Wednesday morning suggesting that Biden had spoken privately with confidants about the possibility of dropping out of the race.  

But when asked during the briefing if Biden would drop out of the race, Jean-Pierre was defiant. 

"Absolutely not," she said. "And you heard, I think, I believe directly from the campaign as well." 

Jean-Pierre maintained that the president’s poor debate performance was due to his having "a cold" and echoed his own explanation from Tuesday night — that he was still recovering from "jet lag" following his trip to Europe for the G-7 summit. 

"It was not his best night. He understands that it is fair for people to ask that question, but we cannot forget his record and what he’s been able to do. We cannot forget how he has been able to deliver for the American people for almost four years," she said. "That matters too. And he has the most historic record, the most in modern politics, and that should matter."

Jean-Pierre said Biden "wants to continue to do that work." 

"A lot of what’s on his agenda is very much popular with the majority of the American people, whether it is continuing to build a strong economic — economic policies — he’s done that, creating new jobs — he’s done that — 15 million jobs. He wants to work on that and continue to do that. And so he wants to continue to deliver, expanding health care — all of these things he believes is important," she said. "He wants to make sure that people do not forget about the record that he has been able to lay out on behalf of the American people." 


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