Copied from Reality as Myth by Onyeji Nnaji
civilization of ancient Egypt became very relevant among other reasons by its
attempts to reunite the sole races of the entire human population by creating a
link for the first meeting of these different races for the first time after
the deluge. Egyptian civilization was the reason for the Black to meet with their
western brethren, the Arabs; who had been paddled away into a distant land in
the days of the Noah’s flood. This reunion made Egypt more influential and more
prominent among all the nations in the African continent.
Ethiopia, of course,
should wear this colossal prominence among the nations in the Black world because
of their earliest involvement with the populations on the other shore of the
Red Sea, but the earliest population of Ethiopia was rather amorous and
self-conscious; sharing union just for business sake. We may however say that
Egypt made this prominence due to providence, economic and political
organization notwithstanding. If anyone should have this line of expression, he
may be correct in one sense and perhaps, wrong in another sense.
Through this influence, it became very difficult for the other side of the human population to understand the Black world beyond Egypt. Of course, we all know that it took about twelve dynasty of kingship in Egypt before the Arabs who settled in Egypt in their handful population came to have but a little information about the existence of other Black population known as Nubia. To this early population of the white race, Egypt was Africa and anything beyond Egypt could be taken a sub perennial population of people who, perhaps, are savages or quasi-Black with no mystic relevance and meta-political consciousness. To this view, all that should be known about the Black population should not go beyond Egypt and her neighbours.
This sense of assessment continued till late twentieth century when
it became apparent that the very civilization which flung Egypt to her optimal
level of fame was engineered by a set of people whose origin was not Egypt.
This was the biggest shock the global history had ever encountered. With the
evidences unearthed by Flinders Petrie, more surprise had continued to emerge
even hitherto.
Before the unveiling of
these evidences, many parts of Africa had looked for several means of
associating themselves with the ancient Egypt. Egypt became a compass for the
trace of the history of many nations in Africa. The worst was experienced among
the Nigerian Yoruba population who bemusedly intoned that they had travelled
from Egypt to the ancient city of Ile Ife, ignoring the irrevocable voice of
the Yoruba oral tradition. We found this loss of self in the suggestion By
Olumide Lukas that the ancient Egypt was the ancestral home of the Yoruba
nation. I covered my face in shame the day I read another ignorant historic
acclamation made by certain scornful writers who shamelessly decided to design
an origin for the Igbo nation in their trace of the origin of Onitsha. I saw
the work as loosing every credence of provable research for he who claimed to
be of Onitsha origin to have claimed that the Obi kingship title of the ancient
Onitsha had originated from Benin. Another claim is that Benin originated from
Egypt. I may not blame him too much because there is hardly any genuine
representation of African history from a mulatto.
It does not matter how long
he may have spent in the African region. The Igbo race is even too hard for
many home born Igbo population, let alone someone who was born in the west,
though having Igbo parent, to think of conjecturing a fashionable origin for a
people whose origin is beyond the ordinary. He would rather end up confusing
himself and realizes his buffoonery the very day he returns home to see that
the tree that serves as a pointer to his father’s compound has been hewed down.
I took time to study the UNESCO publication series on the African history titled, General History of Africa, apart from the 2004 publication titled, The Origins of Iron Metallurgy in Africa, edited by Hamady Bocoum; virtually all the series gave due concentration on Egypt on the areas the origin of Africa was concerned. It all boils down to this centralized concept that for the definition of the African continent, the communities in the northern Africa should be used as the yardstick for measurement. It was in this light that Diop Anta, in the book, African Origin of Civilization, centred his concentration on the glory of Egypt in its heyday and concluded Egypt to be the origin of civilization.
Had he given thoughts to the
development of iron and reconcile his thought with the fact that iron
production had lasted for over three centuries before the civilization of Nubia
which was older than the Egyptian civilization, he would have reasoned along
the possibility of a decayed civilization that predates the Egyptian
civilization. On the contrary, he who claimed that Egypt had the first
civilization was the same person, in the same book, who intoned that “Nubia
civilization was probably the oldest” (179). Who is fooling who? I would ask.
We do not expect to discuss this here since the detail of the origin of
Egyptian civilizers has been discussed in Reminiscence.
Now, having this bold picture of deformed history on our minds, it becomes almost impossible to think about the existence of another population in Africa prior to the existence of the ancient Egypt. In our search for the origin of Egypt down page, it would be obvious that even Egypt; her writers and Egyptology all know that their father had migrated from a distant place which they had never deemed fit to find. They have all read from the ancient tablets excavated in the land, especially the populous Egyptian Book of the Dead. Egypt sits on the land, Northern part of Nubia. The region referred to as Lower Egypt is the northern portion of Nubia. Sharing in the blessing accruing from the Nile River, Egypt sits on the amalgam of the blue and white Nile. It is actually a land of crescent blessed by the alluring flow of the Nile and the Red Sea. Egypt was a centre of influenced. Being dully overtaken by the glory bestowed on Egypt via the riches economic and military strength at that time, Egyptology did not deem it pressing to seek for the origin of the land, Egypt.
Attempts towards Deciphering the Peopling of Ancient Egypt
The general acceptance,
as a sequel to the work of Professor Leakey on the hypothesis of mankind’s
monogenetic and African origin, makes it possible to pose the question of the
peopling of ancient Egypt and even of the world in completely new terms. More
than 150,000 years ago, beings morphologically identical with the man of today
were living in the region of the great lakes at the sources of the Nile and
nowhere else. This notion, and others which it would take too long to
recapitulate here, form the substance of the last report presented by the late
Dr. Leakey at the Seventh Pan-African Congress of Pre-History in Addis Ababa in
1971. It suggests that the whole human race had its origin, just as the
ancients had guessed, at the foot of the mountains of the Moon. Against all
expectations and in defiance of recent hypotheses, the suggestion holds that it
was from this place that men moved out to people the rest of the world.
Two main results
achieved by the conference were that:
It restated the view that the earliest men were ethnically homogeneous and Negroes
in their nature.
(2) It directly opposed the Gloger’s law, which says that warm-blooded animals evolving in a warm humid climate will secrete a black pigment. It held to the view that hence if mankind originated in the tropics around the latitude of the great lakes, he was bound to have brown pigmentation from the start and it was by differentiation in other climates that the original stock later split into different races.
By this notion, there were only two routes available through which these early men could move out to people in other continents, namely, the Sahara and the Nile valley. From the Upper Palaeolithic to the dynastic epoch, the whole of the river’s basin was taken over progressively by these early Negroes.
From the evidence of Physical Anthropology on the Race of the Ancient Egyptians it might have been thought that, working on physiological evidence, the findings of anthropologists would dissipate all doubts by providing reliable and definitive truths. This is by no means so: the arbitrary nature of the criteria used, to go no farther, as well as abolishing any notion or conclusion acceptable without qualification, introduces so much scientific hair-splitting that there are times when one wonders whether the solution of the problem would not have been nearer if we had not had the ill luck to approach it from this angle.
Nevertheless, although the conclusions of these anthropological studies stop short
of the full truth, they still speak unanimously of the existence of a Negro
race from the most distant ages of prehistory down to the dynastic period. It
is not possible in this paper to cite all these conclusions; instead they will
be summarized in the next subheading down page.
Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy were of the suggestion, in their much later publication compared to when Diop Anta had written his suggestion on the peopling of ancient Egypt, that the community of bones scattered all over Yam and Nabta Playa could be the original home from where the ancestors of Egypt may have descended. The community of bones instead suggested evidence of a certain population who were overtaken by drought dropped dead in a large population.
If the presence of the bone
suggests origin for the ancient Egypt population, then what would one say over Miss
Fawcett idea by considering that the Negadah skulls form a sufficiently
homogeneous collection to warrant the assumption of a Negadah race. In the
total height of the skull, the auricular height, the length and breadth of the
face, nasal length, cephalic index and facial index this race would seem to
approximate to the Negro; in nasal breadth, height of orbit, length of palate
and nasal index it would seem closed to the Germanic peoples.
Accordingly, the Pre-Dynastic Negadians are likely to have resembled the Negroes in certain of their characteristics and the white race in others. It is worth noting that the nasal indices of Ethiopians and Dravidians would seem to approximate them to the Germanic peoples, though both are black races. These measurements, which would leave an open choice between the two extremes represented by the Negro and the Germanic races, give an idea of the elasticity of the criteria employed.
Accordingly, the Pre-Dynastic Negadians are likely to have resembled the Negroes in certain of their characteristics and the white race in others. It is worth noting that the nasal indices of Ethiopians and Dravidians would seem to approximate them to the Germanic peoples, though both are black races. These measurements, which would leave an open choice between the two extremes represented by the Negro and the Germanic races, give an idea of the elasticity of the criteria employed.
An attempt was made by Thompson and Randall MacIver to determine more precisely the importance of the Negro element in the series of skulls from El’Amrah, Abydos and Hou. They divided them into three groups:
Negro skulls (those with a facial index below 54 and a nasal index above 50,
i.e. Short broad face and broad nose);
(2) Non-Negro skulls (facial index above 54
and nasal index below 50, long narrow face and narrow nose),
Inter- mediate skulls (assignable to one of the two previous groups on the
basis of either the facial index or on the evidence of the nasal index, plus individuals’
marginal to either group). The proportion of Negroes would seem to have 24% of
men and 19% of women in the early Pre-Dynastic and 25% and 28% respectively in
the late Pre-Dynastic.
Kieth has disputed the value of the criterion selected by Thompson and Randall MacIver to distinguish the Negroes from the Non-Negroes’ skulls. His opinion is that, if the same criteria were applied to the study of any series of contemporary English skulls, the sample would be found to contain approximately 30% of Negroes’ types. (pp. 420-1) The converse of Kieth’s proposition could also be asserted, namely, that if the criterion were applied to the 140 million Negroes now alive in black Africa a minimum of 100 million Negroes would emerge whitewashed. It may also be remarked that the distinction between ‘Negroes, non-Negroes’ and intermediary is unclear; the fact is that ‘non-’Negroes’ does not mean of white race and ‘intermediary’ still less so. ‘Falkenburger reopened the anthropological study of the Egyptian population in a recent work in which he discusses 1,787 male skulls varying in date from the old, Pre-Dynastic to our own day.
He distinguishes four main groups. The sorting of the predynastic skulls into these four groups gives the following results for the whole predynastic period: "36% ‘Negroes, 33% Mediterranean, 11% Cro-Magnoid and 20% of individuals not falling in any of these groups but approximating either to the Cro-Magnoid or to the ‘Negroes’. The proportion of ‘Negroes is definitely higher than that suggested by Thomson and Randall MacIver, though Kieth considers the latter too high. Whether or not Falkenburger’s figures reflect reality is yet to be confirmed in the later pages. Of course, if they are accurate, the Pre-Dynastic population, far from representing a pure bred race as Elliott-Smith has said, comprised at least three distinct racial elements - over a third of ‘Negroess, a third of Mediterraneans, a tenth of Cro-Magnoids and a fifth of individuals crossbred - to varying degrees.
The point about all these conclusions is that despite their discrepancies the degree to which they converge proves that the basis of the Egyptian population was Negro in the Pre-Dynastic epoch. Thus they are all incompatible with the theories that the Negro element only infiltrated into Egypt at a late stage. Far otherwise, the facts prove that it was preponderant from the beginning to the end of Egyptian history, particularly when we note once more that Mediterranean is not a synonym for ‘white’, Elliott-Smith’s ‘brown’ or Mediterranean race being nearer to the mark’. ‘Elliott Smith classes of these Proto-Egyptians gave rise to a branch of what he calls the “brown race”.’
The term ‘brown’ in
this context refers to skin colour and is simply a euphemism for Negro. It is
thus clear that it was the whole of the Egyptian population which was Negro;
barring an infiltration of white nomads in the proto-dynastic epoch. Of all
these attempts, it is very clear that even the researchers themselves had never
gone closer to the root of the matter.
Origin of Ancient Egypt
It is clear that these
researchers were spontaneously unintended to finding out the Egyptian origin by
focusing on other parts of Africa and avoiding the more inconsiderate parts
where history, in the view of the Egyptians, may term negligible. At least, the
detailed comparative work of Olumide Lukas should have provided certain insightful
zest on the Egyptians to think along western part of Africa, even when Lukas
himself had written in a relative disillusionment which to me was a
self-denigration. He downgraded the Yoruba race by suggesting that his
ancestors may have migrated from Egypt. Egyptian researchers in their ego still
could not realize that, for such a colossus, the book had provided them with
reasons for a rethink. In the paper, “The Peopling of Ancient Egypt”, published
in General History of Africa Studies and
Documents 1, Jean Vercoutter revealed the problem that befuddled the
deciphering of the origin of ancient Egypt as follow:
problem of the population of ancient Egypt is one of the most complex problems
of all. It has been, and is still,
clouded and obscured by ‘sentimental’, or
at least irrational attitudes. To
solve it, we must go back to the original sources, which have been subjected to
so much ‘interpretation’, not to say distortion (usually unconscious), that
they now need to be brought together and studied afresh (P.
15 emphasis are mine).
The attempts towards
deciphering the origin of Egypt had been hampered by “sentiment” and
“irrational attitudes” on the part of the researchers who had had their minds
beclouded by the fact that Africa, as long as history is concerned, must have
an initial spel thus, EGYPT. Turning to Flinders Petrie who started his
excavations with the single notion that, for a nation whose prominence grew high
as that of the Egyptian civilization, there must be a strange hand behind it, we
are introduced to a possible classification element in great abundance which
cannot fail to surprise the reader. Aided by Petrie’s excavations was an
earlier statement by Ivan Van Setimer who noted that the Kemmiu (ancient
Egyptians) used the term “Af-Rui-Ka to designate beginnings, referring to inner
Africa, the place the ancestors of the ruling class came from”. Egyptology
would not read this book because it provided solution to their problem in a
disparaging way. Of course, I believe that it was disparaging to say that Egypt
of all people was ruled by strangers. Petrie’s publications made it obvious
that the pharaohs of Egypt strangers (peasants) who settled in the Nile region,
the same later went up to unite the Upper and Lower Egypt and ruled them as
Petrie published a
study of the races of Egypt in the Pre-Dynastic and Proto- Dynastic periods
working only on portrayals of them. Apart from the steatopygian race, he
distinguishes six separate types: an aquiline type representative of a white-
skinned Libyan race; a ‘plaited beard’ type belonging to an invading race
coming perhaps from the shores of the Red Sea, a ‘sharp-nosed’ type almost
certainly from the Arabian Desert: a ‘tilted-nose’ type from Middle Egypt; a ‘jutting
beard’ type from Lower Egypt; and a ‘narrow-nose’ type from Upper Egypt. Going
on the images, there would thus have been seven different racial types in Egypt
during the epochs. But when Petrie became concise, we found that these people
assumed to have come from different races rather represents a race different
stature from inner Africa. Petrie’s personal explanations gave insight to who
these people were.
Human Images of the Protohistoric Period: Their anthropological value to the study of human images made by Flinders Petrie on another plane shows that the ethnic type was black. According to Petrie, these people were the Anu whose name, known to Egyptians since the protohistoric epoch, is always written with three pillars (in hieroglyphics) on the few inscriptions extant from the end of the fourth millennium before our era (8000 BC.). He described the people in the following way:
natives of the country are always
represented with unmistakable chiefly emblems for which one looks in vain among the infrequent portrayals of other
races, who are all shown as servile foreign elements having reached the
valley by infiltration (Peopling, 17).
One of the
features of the founders is that “the native of the country is always
represented with unmistakable chiefly emblems”. The Nag Hammadi related the same information about the race of people
who first settled on earth. “…
They are kings. They are the
immortal within the mortal,” (p. 219). Northrop Thomas, after caring a detailed anthropological research
in Igbo land in 1913, chose to title his work, The King Is Everyone. Among the Igbo race, everyone is a king. The
kingly emblem is represented through the Igbo traditional cap with which
everyone is equal. We have found that the pharaohs of Egypt wore this Igbo cap
from the first to, at least, the seventh kings. It became undisputable when
Petrie notes that Pharaoh Narmer belonged to the race of the Anu.
The Scorpion king whom Petrie groups together thus: “The Scorpion King . . . belonged to the preceding race of Anu, moreover he worshipped Min and Set.” Pharaoh Narmer, often expressed as the scorpion king, is said to belong to the race of Anu. Min was like the chief gods of Egypt, and it was called by the tradition of Egypt itself “the great Negro”. The image of Narmer is shown below.
The matter
ramifies too doubtfully if one includes all single pillar names, but looking
for the Anu written, with the three pillars, one finds that the same sect occupied
southern Egypt and Nubia. The name is also applied in Sinai and Libya. As to
the southern Egyptians, the most essential document remains one portrait of a
chief, Tera Neter, roughly modelled in relief in green glazed faience found in
the early temple at Abydos. Preceding his name his address is given on this
earliest of visiting cards, “Palace of the Anu in Hemen city, Tera Neter”.
Hemen was the name of the god of Tuphium, Erment, opposite to it, was the
palace of Anu of the south, Annu Menti. The next place in the south is Aunti
(Gefeleyn), and beyond that Aunyt-Seni (Esneh). Amelineau lists in geographical
order the fortified towns built along the length of the Nile valley by the Anu
Note: The
image of the three members of Anu race is modelled in Enugu metropolis; near
the State Judiciary, and around the University
of Nigeria Nsukka Enugu Campus (UNEC) junction. This image and that of Terra
Neter are found in chapter three.
In the very words of Cheik Anta Diop,
The common ancestor of the Annu settled along the Nile was Ani or An, a name determined by the word [hieroglyphics] (khet) and which, dating from the earliest versions of the "Book of the Dead" onwards, is given to the god Osiris.
Ani is a common name to
the Igbo. And to all the people that bear the name, there is always an
association with the earth goddess, Ani. In fact, the reality is that such a
bearer is named after the goddess as it is the nature of the Igbo to name
children after ancestors, parents, gods, friends and relatives. Now, Ani who
was the earliest teacher of the cosmic knowledge in Egypt was associated with Osiris,
the god who reigned most in Egypt. It apparently means that Osiris itself, a
god, must have been the child of Ani; for he was addressed thus, “Osiri Ani”.
The connotation therefore is that of Surname showing father-son relationship.
Home of Osiris
The study is brought
home without further obscurity through the analysis of Cheik Anta himself when
he related that both pharaoh Narmer (the scorpion king) and the predynastic
people, represented by Tera Neter, are of the same race as Petrie had earlier
noted. It invariably means that the rulers of Egypt had the same ancestry with
the earliest race of Anu that founded Egypt. We can by all these provable facts
say that the founders of Egypt had migrated from the old Nsude/Nsukka
civilization of 500,000 BC., and above. Several emblem of associated with the
Egyptian gods derived their origin in Nsukka. Most striking is the fact that the home of the Egyptian god Osiris, called Tuat, was found in Nsukka.
A vital pointer to the home
of the Egyptian Tuat is revealed in
the Book of the Dead in the
following ways,
Round in a circle; the space
enclosed by it represents the Tuator
Egyptian underworld, wherein dwelt the gods of the dead and the departed souls.
This view is supported by the scene from the sarcophagus of Seti I. (Fig. 1).
In the watery space above the bark is the figure of the god bent round in a
circle with his toes touching his head, and upon his head stands the goddess
Nut with outstretched hands receiving the disk of the sun.[2] In the space
enclosed by the body of the god is the legend, "This is Osiris; his circuit is the Tuat."[3]
Though nearly all Egyptologists agree about the meaning of the word being
"the place of departed souls," yet it has been translated in various
ways, different scholars locating the Tuat in different parts of creation. Dr.
Brugsch and others place it under the earth,[4] others have supposed it to be
the space which exists between the arms of Shu and the body of Nut,[5] but the most recent theory put forth is that it
was situated neither above nor below the earth, but beyond Egypt to the
north, from which it was separated by the mountain range which, as the
Egyptians thought, supported the sky.[6] The
region of the Tuat was a long, mountainous, narrow valley with a river running
along it; starting from the east it made its way to the north, and then
taking a circular direction it came back to the east. In the Tuat lived all
manner of fearful monsters and beasts, and here was the country through which
the sun passed during the twelve hours of the night; according to one view he
traversed this region in splendour, and according to another he died and became
subject to Osiris the king, god and judge of the kingdom of the departed (P.88).
One useful information found in the citation above is the fact that the
Tuat was not situated above the earth or beneath the earth, but beyond Egypt. The Tuat
was given different pages of the Book of the Dead, but all the
explanations are captured in the excerpt above as we shall discuss in detail
pointing at the different pages. We may summarize the abode of Tuat
through the highlighted parts of the excerpt.
Round in a circle; the space enclosed by
it represents the Tuat or
Egyptian underworld, wherein dwelt the gods of the dead and the departed souls…
His (this)
is the Tuat… It was situated neither above nor below the earth, but beyond
Egypt… The region of the Tuat was a long, mountainous, narrow valley with a
river running along it.
The fact that the Tuat is circular in form and that it is
situated beyond Egypt: not above or below the earth, shows that it points to a
place not well known to Egyptology. The Heart of the Tuat, called Restau, is translated to mean “underworld”. It is located on the
south of Naarutf, and it is the northern door.
Naarutf, (also called An-rutf) is a section or door of the Tuat which lies to the north of Re-stau; the meaning of the word is "it never sprouteth." (Dead 110-111)
NaarutforAn-rutf means ‘It never
Sprouteth’ or Place where there is neither Sprouting of Seeds nor of growth. Apart
from the two words being cognates of Igbo words ana erutefu and Naerutefu
which mean “Land that Supports no Growth” and which Cannot Sprout, respectively, there is an obvious instance of the
place in Nsukka till date. Looking at the Igbo equivalents of the word, Naarutf,
a conscious user of the language would deduce two different phrases that have
the same/similar ideas. An erutefu (also
Ani Erutefu; for in Egypt, another word for Ani is An) directly means “less
sprout land”, means “at less spout.” In the fouth chapter bove, we discussed
issues connected to Enunu-Ebe tree in
Nsukka; the tree of the gods which forbids birds from perching and grass
growing under it. Round about the position of the tree and within the boundary
of its shed, no living plant grows. The tree is shown below:
This is an obvious reference to the plane
of no sprout. The northern door of the place where the sun rises implies in
this case the northern area of Igbo land, which is Nsukka. Nsukka is located in
Northern Igbo land. Particularly, the position of the tuat is directly opposite to the forest of Enunu-Ebe which lies at
the northern part of the land.
Waddell in his comparative study of Sumerian symbol-writing and Egyptian hieroglyphics found that the Egyptian word for ‘desert’ occurs in Sumerian inscriptions under the name Du or Dun, which is written in Egypt with the three hills and two hills hieroglyphic letters. He stressed that, over the years, the Three Hills and Two Hills hieroglyphics letters have been read by Egyptians as ‘Desert’. He noted that the actual Sumerian meaning for ‘desert’ is “mound, earthworks or sand hills (in other words, these hills were piled up sand)” (P.320). On the road to Nsukka University town, one is shocked to actually see on both sides of the road, one after the other, the actual Two Hills and Three Hills illustrated above, looking every inch with no trees and high foliage on any of them. This confirms the Sumerian explanation for the Three Hills and Two Hills as “sand mounds”, is in the ancient Igbo of the Nsude/Nsukka civilization.
The Egyptian City of
the Sun was known by the ancient name An.Egyptian texts used three
phrases to explain An. They are:
- The mouth of the
- The eastern door of heaven.
- The Gateway to Heaven.
The Igbo word for
‘Hole’ is Onu. There is a hole in the ground in the Lejja shrine at Dunu
Oka. The hole is covered with a mound of black iron slag. The villagers claim
that the hole is endless and thatritual offerings are
made to it at annual festivals to the Dead ancestors. A similar explanation of
this tuat by the Egyptian Book of the
Dead (P.88) maintains that the tuat is,
Round in a circle; the space
enclosed by it represents the Tuat or
Egyptian underworld, wherein dwelt the gods of the dead and the departed souls.
This of
course is “the mouth of the earth” that leads into the home of the ancestors
known in Egypt as Tuat. On the same
page, the book revealed that the Egyptian tuat is not above the world or under
the world; it is within the earth planet. But, amazing enough, the place is
beyond Egypt (i.e it is not in Egypt). The image of the tuat is shown below.
Egyptian Book of the Dead reveals
tradition made the sun to end his daily course at Abydos, and to enter into the
Tuat at this place through a "gap" in the mountains called in
Egyptian peq. These mountains lay near to the town; and in the XIIth dynasty it
was believed that the souls of the dead made their way into the other world by
the valley which led through them to the great Oasis, where some placed the
Elysian Fields (P. 110).
This idea was borrowed
to give explanations to the bowel of the earth as shown above, a concept which
ancient Egypt referred to as Amenta. “The Christian Egyptians or Copts used the
word Amend to translate the Greek word Hades, to which they attributed all the
ideas which their heathen ancestors had associated with the Amenta of the Book of the Dead.” In Greek mythology,
Hades was the king of the underworld and god of the dead. He presided over
funeral rites and defended the right of the dead to do burial. Hades was also
the god of the hidden wealth of the earth, from the fertile soil with nourished
seed-grain, to the mined wealth of gold, silver and other metals. The
deciphering of Peq or Hades in Lejja proves Nsukka the home of the gods.
Another crucial aspect
of Egyptian mystic emblems found in Nsukka is the original Benen which sits on
a mound. Benben is associated with the sun god, basically that of fertility.
According to the Book of the Dead,
the name given to many sun-shrines in Egypt, and also to one of the places in
the other world where the deceased (structure) dwelt (P.111).
There is an ancient
dilapidated model of the Benben in Lejja. It is a conical structure made of
mud, with huge round blocks of slag piled around its base in a graded
step-pyramid style. The Lejja example of the Egyptian Benben is called Odegwoo.
Inhabitants of Lejja related that Odegwoo is associated with fertility and
procreation, and that all children born in the town are ritually registered and
dedicated to it by the shrine priests. This in fact links the Lejja conical
structure with the phallic sexual and procreative Benben of Egypt’s Heliopolis,
for both are procreative and are associated with the process of sexual siring
of children in both cultures! In both cases the Benben is understood to be a
representative with conical structure.

The entry on Ancient
Egyptian Heliopolis says its Egyptian vernacular name also meant “Place of
Pillars”. We took special notice of the fact that almost every single slag at
the Dunu Oka Shrine in Lejja is shaped like a pillar. This gave the immediate
impression of a broken down fortress. We checked into this phenomenon in
Sumerian records and got the information that by ca. 2900 B.C. Gilgamesh, the
Sumerian king of the city of Uruk made a hazardous trip to the abode of the
gods of Sumer, where Utu was lord: House of Darkness, the abode below the
ground…the Land of the Living, the place where the gods had taken those humans
who were granted eternal youth” (P.130-131). Gilgamesh had to enter into the
territory of the sun-god. He was told the land lay in the joint territory of
Adad and Utu/Shamash. There he entered and tried unsuccessfully to access “a
tunnel … hidden by trees and bushes and blocked by soil and rock”. In two
separate instances, Sitchen points out that the gateway to heaven is a “Place
of pillars”. It does appear from these descriptions that the Oshuru celestial
disk (mound) which covers the opening called “the mouth of the earth” was once
surrounded by pillars which was later reenacted on a particular iron slag with
other slags surrounding it in the form of supporting pillars.

Among the slags heaped
together, there is a slag that has a seeming significant mark of a triangle on
it. Round about it is surrounded by three slags at each side; right and left
respectively. Two additional slags are kept, each above the apex of the
triangle while the other was placed at the base. Look carefully at the position
where the triangle lies, then examine the slags on the next page and you will
see a triangle that looks as if it was intentionally calved to reflect certain
mystic purpose.
The pillar was not
broken in any way. It is either that the smelters inscribed the shape on it to
contain such reasoning or that it was naturally so. With this symbol, it proved
what Egyptians associated with ‘Heaven’. The Egyptian equivalent is shown
Sitchen insists that the Egyptian Heliopolis of modern times is an imitation of
the ancient Heliopolis of antiquity called “the House of Shamash” located in a
“Place of Palms”. Shamash was the Akkadian name of the sky god whom the
Sumerians called Utu. His symbol was the Eagle for he was the god of the
skies and of the Sun. The name of the Sumerian sky god Utu occurs
severally in Lejja. The name of the first of the two magical Trees - Utu
Udeleigwe means ‘Utu – the Vulture of the Sky’. The images of Utu are shown below.
This cannot
be a coincidence, rather it implies that the sacred tree with that name is
actually a totem representative of the god, Utu, himself.
The race of
Anu whose Original home was the present day Udi in Enugu state, Nigeria were
the first stream of population to arrive at Egypt. They came in a small number
and inhabited Egypt first before the land was flooded by the latter group which
came from the Yoruba tribe. The second group came into Egypt in lager
population. They were the population whose encounter with the Nubian population
gave rise to the name Nubia. Their gross number created the language impact on
the middle age Egypt. This influence is highlighted by Olumide Lukas as he
traced the relationship between Yoruba and Egypt.
The reason for having any
thought about Egypt originating from the White race came through Greek
reference of Egypt as belonging to the white race. ‘The Greeks call Africa “Libya”,
a misnomer au initio since Africa contains many other peoples besides the so called
Libyans, who belong to the whites of the northern or Mediterranean periphery
and hence are many steps removed from the brown (or red) skinned whites
(Egyptians).’ In a textbook intended for the middle secondary school we find
the following sentence: A Black is distinguished less by the colour of his skin
(for there are black-skinned “whites”) than by his features: thick lips,
flattened nose.
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