In the history of syntax, prepositions alongside other
parts of speech are considered as one of the esteemed contributions of the
sophists (the itinerant teachers) to the development of the human language.
Etymologically, the term “preposition” belonged to the group of word class
Aristotle, the founder, referred to as “syndesmoi”. Others in this group are conjunction, article and pronoun. They
were thus grouped by Aristotle because they were found to be performing related
functions that are summed up in binding terms and exposing the gaps amidst
sentences when they are not included. As a plural term, “syndesmoi” is a
collective noun that stands for the group while, conjunction, the part of speech that binds together the discourse
and finds gaps in its interpretation was called “syndesmos” (see Robins, 1968).
Indicating the function of prepositions, Aristotle called it “Prothesis”
(a part of speech placed before other words in a composition and in grammar).
Acting on the above function, traditional grammar has
grouped prepositions under functional parts of speech. Now, from the view of
Robins (1968) above, it is apparent that prepositions should function as the
terms that introduce other word classes in various sentences. If this were the
primary intention Aristotle had for the function of prepositions, then I
believe that traditional grammar may be inconsiderate to classify preposition
under functional parts of speech instead of being lexical. Should we dance to
the tune of the above explanation by Robins, a prim mind may be motivated to
ask if lexical words do not play such a role. Adjectives, for instance, are
often used to introduce nouns in various sentences. For instance, there are
such phrases as: beautiful girl, handsome man, angry mob etc; should we for
this reason classify adjectives as functional word class? It is pertinent to
note here that contemporary grammar is not in support of it.
(2.1) Simple Prepositions
(2.2) Compound Prepositions
(2.3) Complex Prepositions
(2.4) Disguised Prepositions
(3.1) Prepositions of Direction (directional prepositions)
(3.1.1) Direction According to Time.
(3.1.2) Locomotion (mobility)
(3.2) Prepositions of Positions
(3.2.1) As a Measurement
(3.2.2) The Location/Place of an Object and Persons
(4.1) Relating Function
(4.2) Negative Function (Negation Role)
(4.3) Passage Roles (Motion)
The Uses of Prepositional Phrases:
- As Adjectival Phrase
- As the Modifier of Nouns and Noun Phrases
- As the Complement of a Verb
- As Adverbials
- As the complement of Adjectives
Transitive Prepositions
Intransitive Prepositions
The Distributive Role of Prepositions
The position occupied by
prepositions in sentences and the various roles they play in uniting words
place them at a staking position that prepositions are nearly unavoidable in
the formation of sentences. This staking role is specifically in its ability to
create a link, relate or unify words in a sentence. Without the preposition,
many sentences may hardly be complete or meaningful. Example:
- The
man – the bus.
Emeka is – the house.
Sentences of this structure cannot
assert a complete meaning without a preposition. The only sentence that can
survive the absence of a preposition is a simple sentence composed of the apt
SVO structure. Examples:
The man died →SV
- John
saw the lion → SVO
- Emma
is eating yam → SVO.
Apart from the above examples and
their kinds, any sentence that exceeds SVO immediately faces the prejudice of
prepositions. From the above conditions, we can explain a preposition as that
part of speech which expresses the relationship between two words in a sentence.
A preposition explains the place of the action of the verb in the sentence and
reveals the position of the subject:
- The man in the bus (noun phrase).
- Emeka is in the house (a complete
- Williams was at the meeting.
Many a time the preposition consists
of one word, but there are prepositions that consist of more than one word. In
some cases some prepositions appear in another form different from a normal
preposition. The classifications are examined below:
(2.1) Simple prepositions:
unto, etc.
(2.2) Compound prepositions:
Those consisting of more than one simple
preposition are classified under compound and complex prepositions. Below are
the lists of some commonly used compound prepositions:
Along with,
away from,
from within,
out of,
out from,
off to,
as to,
together with,
up to,
as at,
out with,
about to etc.
(2.3) Complex prepositions:
Complex prepositions differ from compound
prepositions in their component numbers. Complex prepositions are formed by the
combination of more than one simple preposition and one or more words from
another part of speech. They are phrases used as prepositions. Examples:
In spite of,
on account of,
with regard to,
as regards
by dint of,
at the mercy of,
by virtue of,
by means
in the quest for,
with respect to,
in respect of,
at variance with,
on top of,
in charge of,
in contact with,
in lieu of,
in view of etc.
(2.4) Disguised prepositions:
Apart from the three forms of prepositions
identified above, there is another form of preposition which exists but has not
been given more attention by writers. Often times they are not recognised as
prepositions generally, perhaps due to their nature. I refer to all the
prepositions belonging to this group as disguised
prepositions. Examples of disguised prepositions include:
O’clock (of clock).
O’er (over)
Aboard (on board).
Ashore (on shore).
According to functions, the
prepositions stated above are grouped into two parts: prepositions of direction and prepositions of position. Apart from the above two categories, there are other classes or kinds
of prepositions sub-categorised under the prepositions of direction or
position. I chose not to include them as types of prepositions because of their
sub-category features: they are dependent on the prepositions belonging to
direction or position.
AS such, they contain and are dependent on the
either preposition types that embodies their sub-categorisations. Under these
sub-categories are prepositions of various functions such as time, mobility,
measurement and location. The categorisations are determined via the
nature of the verb that precedes each preposition in the sentence. Otherwise,
all prepositions may be regarded positional since they indicate positions in
verbless expressions. All these are considered below.

(3.1) Prepositions of
Direction (directional prepositions):
Prepositions of direction are those
prepositions that indicate or express directions. They point or show their
directional roles to particular points with the help of verbs of movement or
demonstration. Examples are from, towards, into to, through, etc. The
directional roles of these prepositions are seen in the following ways:
(i) Direction to Common Nouns/Noun
Prepositions in this group point
towards the direction of objects or concrete nouns. Prepositions used for these
include through, above, around, towards etc.
- The man sat towards the doorway.
- The kite flew above the roof.
- The ball rolled around the field.
- The car passed through the
(ii) Proper/Specific Direction:
These are prepositions of direction
which point to a specific place or particularize the action of the subject of
the sentence to the object. Example of the prepositions used for specific
direction includes to, into, towards etc.
- The teacher directed his attention towards
- The travellers were travelling to
- The naval officer dived into the
river fearlessly.
(3.1.1) Direction According to
These are prepositions used for
indicating time at various intervals. They include in, on, at and by.
They are used to express time with respect to the day, period, week, month and
year. From indicates time limit.
- The car arrived at some minutes
pass three.
- The meeting started by 9.oo am.
- It was in January that Mama visited last.
- It rains on Wednesdays.
- The conference held from Monday to Tuesday
the expression of time, the prepositions used above are used to indicate
various kinds of time. There is relatively a contest between the various roles
and exact function of each of these prepositions in sentences. Greater among
these is found on the uses of the prepositions in and on in
expressing the time when an activity begins. In a more concise and preside way,
both prepositions may be used to express none-exact-time. In a gathering, they
are better used to show that someone arrives at the venue of the meeting early.
- Arriving at the venue of the board
meeting at 9.34am, John was considered to have arrived on time for the meeting that was scheduled to begin at
- Arriving at the venue of the board meeting
at 11.50am, John was considered to have arrived in time for the meeting that was scheduled to begin at 12.00pm.
the sentences above, there is an obvious difference in the time expressions,
although the sentences are the same. With the preposition, on, the first
sentence attempts to mean before the time; at a margin different from the
latter where in is used. These prepositions are not in any conflict with
at, since at is designed for the indication of the exact time
concerned. If a meeting begins at any time as slated, it means that lateness
would have to be checked immediately after that exact time slated for the
meeting to commence. All these are different from the use of from and by.
These prepositions do not indicate exact time; instead they show time limit
or boundary. It means that if a meeting will begin by 12.00pm, someone
who could afford to be there within 12.00pm to 12.15 or 12.30pm may be
pardoned. But when from is used, the speaker refers to the limit, space
or boundary between one time and the other.
from expressing time – whether exact or boundary – prepositions of direction,
in and on are used in different ways. In is used to show
periods of the day, such as morning, afternoon, evening and night. It is also
used to introduce years of the calendar. On is particularly used in this
sense to indicate or introduce days of the week. Good examples of these are
shown in the first set of examples above.
(3.1.2) Locomotion (mobility)
Prepositions in this group show or
express various means of locomotion. Example of such prepositions include by,
through etc.
- He came by flight.
- She went through the hazardous road.
- He passed through the turbulent water.
- She was overtaken by the troubled wind.
- He came by land.
(3.2) Prepositions of
Prepositions of positions indicate
the particular position of an object. Many languages adopt two positions – right
and left, up and down – for directional objects. Positional
objects adopt positional prepositions to indicate their specific positions.
Prepositions for specific positions include in, on, under, at, upon, into,
above, beneath etc.
(i) Prepositions of position for
directional objects.
Prepositions like up and down
are peculiar to the indication of positional roles in a directional form, with
the help of prepositions of direction. In Chomsky’s model, right and
left, up and down are two antonyms that characterized preposition as
a lexical category. Right and left, up and down point at
the position of objects in a directional concept, example:
- Aeroplane flies up in the air.
- The man jumped down from the tree.
- The portrait is hung up.
- The building fell down.
- The smoke went up.
the absence of prepositions of direction, up and
down function as both
directional and position indicators. But they perform these unanimous roles
conceptually (for directional indication) and contextually (for indication of
position) with the help of verbs of action/movement. Good examples are found in
the third, fourth and fifth sentences above. There is the absence of
prepositions of direction in each of the sentences, therefore their dual roles
are strengthened by the help of the verbs hung, fell and went
which notionally connotes directions, each, in the nature of the actions they
(ii) Specific Position of Objects.
Those that indicate specific
position of objects are such prepositions as in, on, under, at, upon, into,
above, beneath etc.
- The book is on the table.
- The boat is in the sea.
- The map is under the chair.
- He hid the file beneath the carpet.
(3.2.1) As Measurement:
Positional prepositions are used
with some transitive verbs to determine the volume of a substance or determine
the position of a substance. Example:
- The container is filled up.
- The water has gone down.
- The bag is filled up.
- The food has gone down the pot.
(i) To indicate the optimal point,
time/maturity and ability.
- The man has grown up (maturity).
- The time is up (optimal time/exact moment).
- He is up to the task (ability).
(ii) To express termination or
- The river is dried up.
- The gas is used up.
- The food is eaten up.
Preposition of positions changes
functions in many instances when it is used with another preposition and
regarded as a unit. In this case, it functions as a preposition of position for
directional objects. Example:
Up –
on → upon.
Up –
ward → upward.
Down –
ward → downward.
In –
ward → inward.
Out –
ward → outward.
The Location/Place of an
Object and Persons.
On, in and at indicate the position of a visual object or person.
- James is in the water.
- James sat on the floor.
-James is at the door.
To understand wheher a particular
preposition belongs to direction or position, we employ a measuring tool called
dimension. When a preposition indicates dimension - whether subjective
or objective – we say that it is directional. But when a dimensional property
or object is indicated in the relationship created by the preposition, we say
it is positional. It is simple thus:
Dimensional = directional → obligatory.
property = positional → restive/stationary.
In many of the cases, the role of a
preposition may vary depending on its position in various sentences.
Prepositions play several roles in
different sentences. Some of these roles include the following:
Relating Function:
Although the general role of a
preposition is to create relationship in sentences, some prepositions have been
identified with the common role of relating one object to another. Good
examples of the prepositions involved in this function are by, over, under etc.
Such prepositions succeed verbs in sentences. Example:
- The
book is under the table.

The objects related here are the
book, and the table. Prepositions that play relating roles are
mainly prepositions of position. Such prepositions are not dimensional; rather
they indicate dimensional points or positions that are related to place. The
major point in justifying positional prepositions is through dimensional points
because it does not connote activity, instead it indicates various restive
points. Examples:
The first set is positional because it tells the end point, while the second set is directional because it shows the direction of an action. Other prepositions in this group include at, above, in, on, on top of, below, upon, behind, before, beneath, after, in front of etc. Up, upon, above, over, behind, are relatively synonymous, and directly antonymous to down, under, below, beneath, underneath and front respectively. Nevertheless, up – down and over – under appear to indicate more direct vertical relationship.
The first set is positional because it tells the end point, while the second set is directional because it shows the direction of an action. Other prepositions in this group include at, above, in, on, on top of, below, upon, behind, before, beneath, after, in front of etc. Up, upon, above, over, behind, are relatively synonymous, and directly antonymous to down, under, below, beneath, underneath and front respectively. Nevertheless, up – down and over – under appear to indicate more direct vertical relationship.
Negative Function
(Negation Role):
Some prepositions are noted for
their negative roles/relationship in sentences. Prepositions remarkable for
this function are away, off, from, out
of, out from, etc. They play negative roles in both directional and
positional ways. Example:
- James was out of
the car before it somersaulted.
- James was off of the car
before it somersaulted.
- James went off the car before it
- James went away from the car before
it somersaulted.
The first two sentences are
stative/restive – their actions have been completed – therefore they are
positional. The latter two are still relatively active with the help of the
verb went and the directional preposition, from, respectively, so
they are directional. The negative function of a preposition is
explained thus:
Direction. Position.
from, off,
from, off of,
From, out,
Out of etc.
Passage Roles
With the help of verbs of motion,
some prepositions can express motions or locomotive idea. Through this means
the preposition involved in this function shows the direction of movement of
an/the object(s) it relates.
- The pen fell under the table.
- The man fell from the tree.
- The kite flew across the fence.
Passage role can occur in different
ways. It could be in the manner of direction such as up, down, along, through, by, over etc. With the assistance of
verbs of motion, those prepositions can indicate the direction of objects.
Another form of passage role is experienced through the scientific examination
of the movement of light. In this notion, passage role could connote
refraction. The prepositions in this group include cross, through, over,
along etc.
In the English language, some words
(verbs) do not take direct prepositions. To such verbs, the direct application
of preposition leads to a change of meaning or renders the expression
ungrammatical. A word like discuss does
not take a direct preposition. This word has been very often used with about by many speakers of English
language, but it is wrong. It belonged to the absolute restrictive group when
it concerns prepositions. The absolute restrictive group is the group of verbs
charged with no prerequisite/exceptional conditions for taking a direct
preposition. Others in this group include emphasize,
cue, mock, clap, accord, despite etc.
We have been so used to clap for him such that it may be too
hard to accept that clap does not take direct prepositions. Exception
however holds, mainly, when the expression has
a different meaning from ovation, then it may take a preposition. Example: they clapped in time to the music (rhythm).
Therefore, instead of
Wrong Correct
They clapped for us. They clapped us.
They mocked at us. They mocked us.
Emphasize about it. Emphasize it.
We discussed about it. We discussed it.
Clap for him. Give him a clap.
They accord to him They accord him the respect he demanded.
respect he
Despite of his presence Despite his
would die. presence many would die.
She was roaming about the She was roaming the town.
Apart from these ones, there is
another group which may take prepositions depending on some certain situations.
They include, comprise, compose, admire,
fight, accompany, precede, describe, complain etc. all these verbs do not
take direct prepositions in their simple verb forms. Examples:
Wrong. Correct.
The class
comprises of The class comprises
boys and girls.
boys and
He was fighting with He was fighting me.
Apart from this simple verb nature
or form, any of the verbs belonging to this group may take prepositions
immediately. Many a time, it is dependent on the position of these verbs in
sentences. For instance, if they are preceded by any form of the verb BE, then the verb may take a
preposition directly. In another situation, they may take prepositions directly
when the verbs are inflected by –ed
past marker. This condition however does not apply to fight. Fight can take prepositions directly in the following ways: fight with…, fight against…, fight for… in
which case it may connote support (to join force with…), agitation or protest,
not a direct combat.
Verbs with Customised
While some verbs do not take prepositions directly, there are some verbs that are proceeded by particular prepositions. They are relatively customised to the verbs such that they are used collectively in sentences. In such conditions, if the verbs are used with another preposition, in the same context it may amount/lead to some kind of grammatical incorrectness. Examples include:
Confined in,
confuse about,
convicted for,
abide by/in,
ask for,
take on,
disappear(ed) from,
cash out on,
interested in,
impressed upon,
cheating on,
hope on,
disappointed in,
agree to/with,
apologise to/for,
abstain from,
aimed at,
attach with/to
beg for,
believe in,
intrude on,
decide on,
demonstrate against,
impress upon,
interfere with,
prefer to,
invest in,
improve on,
involve in,
object to,
participate in,
persevere with/in,
plead for/with
preside at/over,
proceed to/with,
prohibit from,
refrain from,
rely on,
shy out,
bend to/on,
proud of/over,
sympathise with,
spy through,
pierce through,
appeal to
check in/on,
in spite of etc.
Conventionally, invest takes direct objects in most sentences. In any case where it takes a direct preposition, it should be as expressed above.
As numerous as prepositions are in
their numbers, the same way they are used in varying situations to unfold
various meaning in their content sentences. And as English language remains in
the hands of structural linguists, with time, more uses of prepositions would
continue to emerge.
When a
phrase has a preposition at the beginning of the expression we say that such an
expression is a prepositional phrase. In this condition, we mean a situation
where an expression is used as a phrase to shows the position or direction of
an object in a sentence. A prepositional
phrase is headed
by a preposition. have been structure of a prepositional phrase is
achieved through the combination of a preposition and a noun or a noun phrase -
as in the following examples:
- On time.
- In Lagos.
(A preposition and a noun.)
- By post.
In the party.
- Off the
record. (A preposition and a noun phrase.)
- Among the
The Uses of Prepositional Phrases:
phrases perform various roles in
sentences. They are used to modify another part of speech in the same sentence.
In some cases prepositional phrases perform the role of other phrases like
adverbial and adjectival phrases. In any of these conditions, prepositional
phrases are used to denote the same meaning as adverbial or adjectival phrase.
Few of the functions of prepositional phrases include the following:
As the Modifier of Nouns and Noun
Phrases :
prepositional phrases are
used to modify nouns and noun phrases just like adjectives. Consider the
following structures.
- Men at work.
- The
bird on the tree.
- The
house by the river shore.
- The
lady on the fence is angry.
Those goats in the field are grazing.
As the
Complement of a Verb: in some sentences, we often realise a structure where the
prepositional phrase in the sentence succeeds the verb immediately. When such a
structure occurs where the main verb in the sentence is succeeded by a
prepositional phrase, we say that it has functioned as the complement of the verb.
- He plays with the club.
- The Super Eagles takes on USA.
The sun sets in the east.
are cases, nevertheless very rare cases, where prepositional phrases may
ordinarily stand the position of adverbials in sentences but function as the
compliment of the verbs in the sentences. This situation, of course, does not
occur all the time; it is usually rare: particularly when the expressions stand
to infer such meanings as acting upon something or becoming a member of a crew
(group). The meaning is always realized adverbially. Example:
- Daddy is at it again.
- The man is on the jury.
- Ken is on the committee.
- James is always on call.
show the sense of belonging to a group, as mentioned above, we also have such
terms as:
- To be on the panel.
- To be on the staff.
Phrases Used as Adverbials:
and adverbials have been described in previous chapters as structures that
answer the questions - how, where,
when, etc. Most of these questions can be answered by prepositional
phrases as shown below:
They lived in the cave. (where?)
Shade left in a hurry. (how?)
Ben came at night. (when?)
Phrases Used as Adjectival Phrase:
primary role of an adjectival phrase is centred on giving additional information
about nouns, pronouns or noun phrases. When a prepositional phrase is used to
perform the function of an adjectival phrase: when it is used to qualify a noun
in a sentence. In this situation, the prepositional phrase is concerned with
the subject of the sentence. Few examples of prepositional phrases used as
adjectival phrases include the following:
The announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts.
The house in view is ours,
Agreement on the sale is reached.
The child at sight is the most preferred.
phrases used in this context include:
- The man on top, bird at hand,
The boy with a brown cap etc.
In many situations, the adjectival phrase
occurs as part of the noun phrase.
Phrases Used as the complement of Adjectives:
important function of an adjectival phrase is that it is always used as the
object complement in various sentences. When a prepositional phrase appears
after an adjective, it is considered as the complement of such adjective. Take
example from the following sentences:
- We made them aware of their
- The principal was so good to the
- He is certain about his departure.
The notion of lexicalization of the English prepositions was born from the argument bothering on prepositions not possessing the lexical features. This notion becomes rather objective when Oluikpe (2007) intoned that the major difference between the lexical form class and the grammatical types is on the formation of antonyms. This assertion is disputable in the case of the English prepositions because they are highly antonymous. Virtually all the single prepositions have antonyms. We have for instance prepositions like:
In out
Inside outside
Front behind
Beyond within, etc.
English grammar in the hands of the present-day transformational generative grammarians has created opportunities for distinctions between lexical and functional categories. It plays a role in nearly every conceivable area inside and outside the grammar, ranging from word order and prosody to language acquisition. For clear-cut cases like nouns and determiners, the distinction between lexical and functional categories is straightforward, but there are some categories that are notoriously difficult to classify, like adverbs, auxiliaries, numerals, and, most of all, prepositions. There is no consensus in the literature about whether the prepositions take side with the lexical categories: noun, verb and adverb or whether they are a functional category like determiner, complimentizers, or infinitives.
In the X' theory of the seventies and eighties, prepositions were generally assumed to be no less lexical than noun, verb, or adverb, following Jackendoff (1973) views. However, the delineation of the concept of functional categories in the late eighties raised doubts about the character of prepositions and posed questions unequivocally on whether prepositions should further be considered with the orthodoxy of functional class or be saddled with other roles that are lexical in nature. Abney (1987:63) noted that “prepositions seem to straddle the line between functional and thematic (lexical) elements”. We cannot, of course, rule out the fact that prepositions are closer to lexical class (if they are not one), seeing its immense contributions in locating thematic elements in generative grammar. Grimshaw (1991), proposes, although with some reservations, that preposition is a functional element of the nominal system, playing the same role that complimentizers play in the verbal system. Several authors have argued that preposition is heterogeneous: some prepositions are lexical; others are functional (see, Riemsdijk 1990).
The distinction between lexical and functional categories has played an important role in generative theories of syntax (Principles and Parameters, Government and Binding, and most recently Minimalism). The idea that the functional element inflection heads the sentence, according to (Chomsky, 1986) eventually led to a parallel reanalysis of Noun Phrases (NPs) as Determiner Phrases (DPs), therefore, paving ways for attentions to the roles of prepositions. Prepositions have generally been treated as a single category in linguistic theories for a review, and since Jackendoff (1973), it has been generally accepted that they belong to one of the four major lexical categories, along with nouns, verbs, and adjectives. However, there are problems with a unified approach to prepositions; their characterization as a lexical category is problematic. All of the other three major lexical categories (noun, verb, adjective) are open-class categories, and thus are characterized by a high rate of membership and are readily able to add new members. Prepositions, however, are taken to be a closed class, with a limited and small membership.
But even the categorization of prepositions as a closed class is awkward. Their membership is taken to range from 50 – 60 members, as found in traditional grammars of English to 248, as found in a corpus study of prepositions (Fang, 2000). Moreover, it is widely accepted that new prepositions can be added to the class, nevertheless, at a very slow rate. There are, however, contradictions within the category of prepositions itself. Most prepositions express semantic relations, as realized in their assignment of theta roles. But a few, like of and (arguably) the dative, to, seem to be purely syntactic; they are required for Case assignment, but do not add any thematic properties to the structure. According to Ura (2001), "majority of prepositions assign Case structurally," in the same manner as verbs do.
In order to explore the inherent properties of prepositions in UG, Tremblay (1996) draws on a variety of characteristics of the French preposition avec ‘with’ to claim that this preposition is semantically vacuous. Most pertinent to the topic at hand is that she assumes a division between lexical prepositions and semantically vacuous prepositions, and further calls for the latter group to be divided into two classes: the “Dummy Case signers” and “true empty” prepositions. Similarly, Cadiot (1997) draws on the idea of “colourless” prepositions to propose two main categories of French prepositions, colourless and colourful, which can be seen as the two ends of a continuum, with some prepositions falling inbetween the two extremes. Of interest here is that the distinction between colourless and colourful is primarily based on the preposition’s contribution to semantics and syntax: colorless prepositions do not contribute to the meaning of the phrase, but are inserted due to syntactic requirements, while colourful ones add a salient meaning to the phrase.
Rauh (1993) argues that prepositions are a heterogeneous category, and uses syntactic and semantic properties. He was directly in favour of a distinction between lexical and non-lexical prepositions. In other words, certain prepositions should be lexicalized as others remain functional. Those with characteristics analogous to the other lexical categories (according to Rauh) are termed “lexical” and are argued to have their own entries in the lexicon. Non-lexical prepositions, however, are those which have undergone some forms of grammaticalization, and therefore, have no autonomy of lexical entry, but are listed under the entry of their governor in the case of head prepositions. From her view, we achieve two types of preposition: Case prepositions and those found in fixed phrases (prepositions which arguably form a single syntactic unit with their noun).
As was noted above, a line of argument suggesting a split of prepositions has been advanced within the framework of generative grammar. Van Riemsdijk (1998) makes a strong argument for functional heads in prepositions within this framework. While his aim is to design a more restricted, cogent theory of “endocentricity”, he uses the category of prepositions to illustrate his framework. Drawing data from German and Dutch prepositions (“postpositions” and “circumpositions”), he argues that the best account of the data requires an analysis of these prepositional elements where some are purely functional heads and others are lexical. Using van Riemsdijk’s (1990) work as a spring-board, Rooryck (1996) elaborates a Minimalist account of prepositions, and uses data from English, German, Dutch and French to show that the structural Case of prepositional phrases is assigned within a functional projection via Spec-Head agreement. While these four models differ in their details, they are similar in suggesting an overall theme. As a category, prepositions are not homogeneous, but should be considered poly-categorical.
(7.1) Lexical Features of the English Prepositions
From the discussion so far, it is apparent that the general role of prepositions is to express the relation between two entities. Prepositions also characteristically select an NP. Examples:
(i) A cup on the table.
(ii) A message from where she lives.
(iii) A present for going to school.
(i) James lives on his salary.
(ii) John relies on his wishes to win the game.
(iii) John relies on his father’s wealth.
We can represent this through phrase structure rules as:

Now, adopting the idea of Jackendoff (1973) and Emonds (1982) among others, this paper hopes to establish that English prepositions possess certain lexical features and show various complementation patterns. Many a time, these functions occur unanimously. Example:

Now, adopting the idea of Jackendoff (1973) and Emonds (1982) among others, this paper hopes to establish that English prepositions possess certain lexical features and show various complementation patterns. Many a time, these functions occur unanimously. Example:
(i) Transitive prepositions selecting an NP complement: in (the box), into (the Room), without (a trace), off (the bus) etc.
(ii) Transitive prepositions selecting a PP complement: out (into the garden),
from (under the bush), into (toward the garden) etc.
(iii) Intransitive prepositions selecting zero complement: around, in, out, away, into, toward etc.
(iv) Ditransitive prepositions selecting an NP and a PP complement: from (A) (to B), down (A) (toward B), into (A) (from B) etc.
These variations in complementary selection are analogous to variations in verbs complementation, indicating that they should be lexicalized. As noted earlier, this work proposes that prepositions, in parallel with verbs, select various kinds of complements, and this information is encoded in the lexicon. Therefore, it is argueable here that, once a language user relies on the well-denned lexical properties of prepositions, several related phenomena also follow naturally. Seeing prepositions with some of the features that are characteristically lexical, it should be wedded into the family of lexical word class. Of course, if preposition should be found with transitivity, a role solely designated for verbs, I see no further concrete reason for which it should not be lexicalized. The various points stressed above are discussed below.
(7.1.1) The Transitive Role of Prepositions
Transitivity is basically the role found with verbs alone among the members of the lexical word class. It will, of course, be amazing to see prepositions in this same character of verbs. The possibility of this situation assigns certain credibility to Ura (2001:32), who asserts that, “Majority of prepositions assign Case structurally just like verbs, while the purely syntactic ones assign Case inherently for a concise review of Case assignment in Generative Grammar.” It is characteristic of central prepositions in English to select an NP as its complement and may not have a that clause or an infinitive clause as a complement. In another sense, as indicated in Lobeck (2000), Radford (1997) and Jackendoff (1973), prepositions may combine with a prepositional phrase (PP) to show what can be described as transitivity of prepositions, although it is often overlooked. See the following sentences for instance:
(i) He fell out of the window.
(ii) Many people outside of the immediate family know.
(iii) Peter nudged John up against the ropes.
(iv) The ball flew across the fence.
There are cases when one finds prepositions taking an NP only as in examples A below. The prepositions such as from and after in examples B all combine with PPs in consonance with the assertion of Quirk (1985):
(i) He picked up the gun
A (ii) She ran into the auditorium.
(iii) The ball flew across the fence.
(i) He picked up the gun from behind the counter.
B (ii) We didn't meet until after the show.
(iii) Food has been scarce since before the war.
(iv)The weather has been nice except in the north.
The transitive roles of the prepositions and PPs in the above examples are generally to locate the place of the entity which may be assumed as the objects’ case. This was the view of Mbah (2006: 162) when he, assessing the roles of prepositions in Generative Grammar, asserts that “Locative describes the place where other entity in a sentence is situated. Generally, the locative is introduced by prepositions or nouns incorporating a preposition notion”.
We can equally assert that the locative property for this generative function is the preposition. In addition, the illustrations above show that the prepositional phrases underlined act as the prepositional complements of prepositions like from, until, since and except. The information that such prepositions are transitive prepositions selecting one complement, PP can be represented in the feature structure as seen below:
One could claim that the preposition selecting another PP here might be a specifier or optional adverbial element, as I may call it. But we could observe that, for example, the omission of out in the sentence, “He fell out of the window”, does not make the sentence unacceptable. Even though we can drop out prepositions like down, up and over, we would have completely different meanings.
One could claim that the preposition selecting another PP here might be a specifier or optional adverbial element, as I may call it. But we could observe that, for example, the omission of out in the sentence, “He fell out of the window”, does not make the sentence unacceptable. Even though we can drop out prepositions like down, up and over, we would have completely different meanings.
Radford (1997) stresses a situation which reveals that a preposition subcategorizes a PP. Nevertheless such examples – as he noted – could lead to a structure that may be ungrammatical. For instance, the sentence, “He is [so (out of touch)] in some ways”, may be considered ungrammatical if placed thus:
He is [so out [in some way] of touch].
The contrast in the sentence follows naturally with the assumption that the complement PP oftouch is positioned before the adjunct PP in some ways. Also, another support comes from the fact that the PP complement and its head preposition behave just like a canonical preposition (the preposition that agrees with rules). For example, phrases of this form can occur as the directional complement of verbs like put and place. Example:
- John puts the garbage [out of the window].
Since it is certain that a preposition can subcategorize a prepositional phrase itself, Jackendoff (1973:8) therefore, remarked that “the generation of iterating PPs could be predicted”. Under this condition, this paper insists that we are at liberty to generate sentences of the manner where the prepositions out and from both select a PP complement. Example:
(i) She jumped [out [from [under the culvert]]].
(ii) The man is said to be [from [out [of the darkness]]].
(iii) “[Down [from [above the altar]]] groaned a mysterious voice.”
It is pertinent to note that prepositions like into only select an NP complement.
(7.1,2) The Intransitive Role of Prepositions.
It was argued by many grammarians, especially Emonds (1985), that certain adverbs such ashome, downstairs, and afterward (also referred to as post-verbal particles) seem to be better treated as prepositions. It is not difficult to note that post-verbal particles behave just like ordinary prepositional phrases. Take for instance,
One simple way of capturing the similarity between PP and particle in above example is to assume that the particle in there is lexically specified to be an intransitive preposition projected into a PP as represented within the feature system of HPSG in:
One simple way of capturing the similarity between PP and particle in above example is to assume that the particle in there is lexically specified to be an intransitive preposition projected into a PP as represented within the feature system of HPSG in:
There are also cases where particles behave just like a PP. Of course, one often observes case-concerned verbs such as put that require a directional adverb or a particle as exemplified in Emonds (1985), Quirk (1985) in the manner experimented below:
If these elements were not intransitive prepositions, the complementation pattern of verbs like, put, would be much more complicated. Even in cases with verbs selecting an optional adverbial particle, we observed that intransitive prepositions are identical to ordinary prepositions selecting an NP according to Emonds (1985). See also the experiment below:
By specifying afterward, before and inside lexically, it requires no complement. We can easily predict their occurrence in the position of PP in cases using the sentence above for instance. Like the case with the transitive roles, one supporting argument for this intransitive preposition centers on inversion as observed in the next sentences. Using the first sentence in this section, we prove it true that unaccusative verbs (eg. race and stood) can trigger locative inversion in the manner that favours Jackendoff’s (1973) argument:
(i) [Into the movie theatre] raced James.
(ii) [On the corner] stood a frightened little boy.
Assimilating the assumption that particles like away (as in: she went away.) are prepositions projecting to a PP directly, the examples below follow naturally where they trigger locative inversion in agreement with Jackendoff, (1983) and Emonds (1985) argument.
(i) Downstairs rolled the little boy.
(ii) Away flew the remnants of James’ hat.
(iii) Down rolled the carriage.
(iv) Behind stood the thief.
(v) Inside laid the nail.
Another similarity between PP and particle, as identified in Emonds (1985), can be found in constructions that constitute a directional phrase, with, and a definite NP.
(i) [Into the dungeon] with that traitor!
(ii) [To the river] with those sandbags!
(iii) [Out the door] with it!
(iv) [To hell] with this assignment!
Again, we can observe that particles behave just like directional prepositions in selecting an NP. As for the syntactic properties of prepositional phrases, they alone can be intensified by the wordright in the sense of “completely,” or by straight in the sense of “directly”. This idea agrees with the view in Radford (1997). Example:
(i) Go [right/straight [up the ladder]]
(ii) He walked [right/straight [into a hall]].
In summary, English grammar will be much more simplified if we accept the existence of intransitive prepositions that select zero complement and hence project up to the prepositional phrase. Words like right and straight cannot be of the category of degree as used above. Of course, if these elements were not intransitive prepositions, the complementation pattern of some active verbs would be much more complicated. Even in the case of verbs selecting an optional adverbial element, we concur with Emonds (1985) to conclude that intransitive prepositions are identical to ordinary prepositions selecting an NP.
(7.1,3) The Distributive Role of Prepositions:
From the discussion held so far, we can still establish that there exist distributive prepositions. This group of prepositions has been marked with the “ditransitive” role of prepositions in accordance with Jackendoff (1973). They are such prepositions as from, down and into. Our studies of these prepositions indicate that there are situations where they are used to assign certain randomization roles to NPs. By distribution we give attention to the manner and ways prepositions tend to locate the function of some words belonging to the lexical class (especially nouns) from one position to another. The examples below illustrate this point:

The fact that such prepositions select NP and PP complements and generate the structures above is clear evidence proving the several occurrences identified in Jackendoff (1973) true. For example, these whole bracketed phrases may be seen further to behave as a single unit as shown in the restatement below.
(i) [From one end of the park to the other] raced the child.
(ii) [From one end of the park] raced the child [to the other].
We can notice that the NP and PP sequence alone cannot function as a constituent (serving as a subject).
What all these examples imply is that the preposition, NP and PP sequence forms a strong unit so that the NP and PP cannot appear without the preposition. Cleft constructions also show that the head preposition forms a constituent together with its NP and PP complements. The central feature that determines the position of the NP and the PP is the preposition from. Without the preposition, we have the NP and the complement PP in isolation; otherwise the meaning of the sentence will be affected, thereby rendering it ungrammatical.
The English prepositions are grouped traditionally under the functional or grammatical parts of speech with the view that – as is the case with the rest of the grammatical parts of speech – they do not possess the various qualities of the older group tagged “Lexical”. But, if the assumption of Oluikpe (2007) that the major difference between word classes is on the formation of antonym (which the lexical items possess but the grammatical items do not have) is put into consideration, it may be established that preposition should be lexicalized. Of course, prepositions, in parallel with verbs, select various kinds of complements, and this information is encoded in the English lexicon. These apparent variations in complement selections of prepositions which usually are analogous to variations in verbs’ complementation obviously indicate that they should be lexicalized. The target of this study is aimed at re-examining the variations in the English prepositions with verbal variations and their notions of grammaticality. The argument here is clear as it stresses the fact that, once a language user relies on the well-denned lexical properties of prepositions, several related phenomena also follow naturally.
We have argued in favour of the category preposition, insisting that it comprises transitive and intransitive features alongside its distributive roles. Of course, the effect of this analysis to the grammar of English language is left considerably open. We may claim that it is the most natural reflection of the facts as far as we have observed. From the foregone discussion, we hope to conclude that the rule that pinned prepositions to the grammatical category, instead of lexical category, is orthodox and should not be so conclusively classified. The fact that prepositions are adverbial particles, changed to adverbs for syntactic reasons, feature prominently in the locative examination of Generative Grammar and other functions captured the lexical claim for prepositions as argued by Chomsky, Jackendoff, Emonds, Oluikpe, Mba and many other authorities. To further promote the lexical qualities of prepositions is the attempts of Movement Paradox in Government and Binding Theory and the formation of Idiosyncratic Restrictions; relating that the possible range of complements a preposition selects are directly analogous to those in the case of verbs within the bound of the content structure. These two areas are not treated here. It is hoped that further researches on this idea shall cover that area. This paper’s claim here is that such lexical restrictions can be best treated in terms of properties of individual lexical items rather than by phrase structure rules.
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