Contents 1) The Metaphysics of African Oral Tradition - Universal cognate - Restricted cognate 2) Transcendental empiricism of African myths A) The duality myth - Animated duality - Cohabitation duality B) Celestial cosmography C) Totem 3) Mysteries of life in the Igbo cosmology - Agwu - Rejuvenation - Ike-Ishi 4) Cosmic Chain - Mind Control - Cosmic Control 5) Soul Travel - Mutant soul - Still bound - Purgation 6) Incarnation - Ogbanje: entity & Journey - living within lives - Reincarnation - Memories of the Afterlife - Memory by scar - Memory by reflex 7) Igbo Geometry and the Metaphysis of Number The Mystery of the Number One The Mystery of the Number Two The Mystery of the Number Three The Mystery of the Number Four The Mystery of the Number Five The Mystery of the Number Six ...