LIFE AND HISTORY OF ELDER NNAJI NWA NNAJI (A.K.A. OKANA) (1933-2014) Elder Nnaji nwa Nnaji was born in the year 1933. He was the eldest of the seven sons of Nnaji nwa Ebe (also called Obaru) and the grandson of Ebe nwa Achi of Umu Uzu nwa Agu family line in Umuodumu, Umuonojah Umulesha Nkalaha. As was the custom for children to be called after their relatives, Nnaji was named after his maternal grandfather, Nnaji nwa Alu of Umuomechime, Amaezegba Nkalaha. His mother was late Mrs. Nneze nwa Nnaji, a moral activist and a midwife till her death. Nnaji grew up under the tutelage of his paternal grandfather, Ebe nwa Achi. During these years, Nnaji acquired the unquantifiable knowledge about the history and tradition of Nkalaha. The knowledge he acquired these days with Ebe nwa Achi cannot be underscored to have based only on tradition. He also acquired some aspects of western civilization and its politics, since Ebe nwa Achi had contacts with the colonial ma...