With the recent normalization accord signed by the descendants of Abraham (the Arab nations) on 15th September, 2020, President Donald Trump has written the biggest history ever anyone had written in recent time. With it, Trump brings man to the original traditional history bothering on the creation. This marriage defines the Arabs separately from Palestine.
The Bible which is in our possession
as the sole informer of what the Western world knew and still know about the
creation of man told us, figuratively, that
Africans were separate species of people different from the man, Adam, created
from the dust of the earth. Read the account of Cain in Genesis 4. One question
to ask is, "Who were in the world, else, than Cain's parents after he had killed
his brother?" Again, "Who were those residents of Nod among whom Cain lived, according to Genesis 4: 16?" ajuede research team found a community in Ebonyi State, Nigeria; an ancient city with no marked historical trace called Nod(o). According to the inhabitants, the final “o” is not realized (Pronounced),
although it is included in the autograph. Of course, you should know that the spelling of this town was invented in the era of the colonial masters. There
is no place in the
Arabian peninsula known as Nod or Nodo.
Read also: Let us make man in our own image
Reading Genesis 6:1-9, one would likely ask another important question: "Who were the sons of God?". They were the ancestors of the African nations from the inner Africa as ancient Egyptians referred to them, according to Ivan Van Setimer. They were not angels as the Jehovah’s Witness and other faulty interpreters claimed; they were creature who lived on earth before the creation of Adam: they were not made from the earth (dust) like Adam. The were the ancestors of Africa who descended from the sky in the beginning of time. It was for this sole reason that every African creation story emphasizes the idea of descending from the sky. The Igbo, the Yoruba, the Benin, the Dogon; all those who still remember their oral tradition and myth say that their ancestors descended from the sky. They were gods and were immortal The were not descendants of Adam because the were older than Adam.
Plato accounted for the war of these gods. But, confusedly, he called them legends of Atlantis; for he believed that the city built by these gods were sunk into Atlantic Ocean. It was rather the misconception that arose among them that,
in settling it, God said “LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR OWN IMAGE….” The Yoruba oral tradition made this simpler. Many had interpreted this potion of the scripture, claiming that God called on the angels when Adam was created. This is not true. The angels were not there when Adam was created; if they were, Angel Lucifer would have known the content of man. Of course, the book of
Revelation 12:12 told us that man has been created by the time
the devil and his acolytes were forced down from heaven. Meanwhile the sons of
God had lived for four thousand years before the creation of Adam, according to
the scriptural timing.
Read also: The origin of time
Further on the sons of God is the
statement by Asaph, the poet, in Psalm 82:5-7. Asaph made it clear that the
sons of God are different from mortal men. But for
their ignorance, they will die like mortal men. See again Romans 8:18-19; John 1: 12.
Romans tells us that there are creatures
and there are sons of God; adding that Creatures had been subjected to wait
until the time of the manifestation of the sons
of God., first, before they too would manifest. Africans
started leading the gospel evangelical
moves both in
power and miracles since the 1970s till date. That is the manifestation that
caught the rest of the world to the true sense of Christ and Christendom.
Then, return to the gospel of John 1:12. The scripture is referring you to Genesis chapter 6 quoted earlier. Here, John tells you that the sons of God derailed and loss their immortal state. Now, Christ becomes the reconciling middleman (Mediator) to return man to the original position lost via the interwoven relationship among the gods and the descendants of Adam. Google the adventure of the missionary called Pa Elton and read what he said in the forest of Yoruba land, also the statement of Northcote W. Thomas about the Igbo in 1906. If you understand what they said about this part of Africa, then you will understand the content message in the prayers said by Mungo park when he saw River Niger for the first time. Let me surprise you by saying that the western world knew who we are, but they are not prepared to tell us. You may ask yourself why.
Recently I read another potion of the scripture
that clarifies the etymology of the global population present. Although it is
symbolic, the meaning is not far-fetched. Read Isaiah
19:22-25. The scripture speaks of
three people with distinct marks. Egypt, Assyria and Israel. Symbolically, Egypt represents Africa, while Assyria represents the descendants of Adam; Israel belongs to this
latter group, but they are separated here because of divine election, according
to Romans chapter 8 through chapter 11. In the quoted Isaiah passage, it is
written thus, "Blessed
be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance."
Note: * Egypt: my people (The sons of God),
* (Assyria: my handiwork (Descendants of the created man),
* Israel: my inheritance (Divine election due to God’s promise to Abraham).
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