VIDEO: Boko Haram's Secret Deals with the Nigerian Army Uncovered

It is unfortunate that people have seen this picture but did not know what it represents. This essay will expose your mind to the secret deals that the Nigerian Army have been into in order to see that the Fulanisation attempt lamented against by T. Y. Danjuma, Obasanjo and Pastor Oyedekpo comes to pass.
Imagine that this young face were your brother's, and like unexplainable dream, you woke up one day to hear that he has died and his prospect gone for ever. I do not think you will feel comfortable; unless you are the devil himself. This prospective young man was killed during the Boko Haram attack at Damboa. Just like many others, the soldiers were sent out after Boko Haram had been informed to ambush them. Quite unlucky for him he was among those selected for that day's slaughter.
Recall also a time within 2017 and 2018 when Nigerian army were silently killing southern soldiers and burying them secretly. This situation continued until a woman who heard secretly that her husband was dead raised alarm, requesting to see the husband's corpse. It was at this point that the woman alongside a few others were invited to the secret burial of their husbands which they could not see. The burial took place on 14th December, 2018. According to the Punch news, the woman told her story as follow.
"I was invited for the burial of my husband with a few others this Friday in Maiduguri. Sincerely, we don't even know how many will be buried and the army is not giving us any information," she said.
A colonel who spoke to The Punch reported that the ceremony has been made private to conceal the real figure of casualties from the attack.
He said, "General Buratai said only 23 soldiers were killed in the attack. He also put the number of troops wounded in action at 31. However, we all know that it is not true. Over 100 were killed and a private burial is now being organised in order not to expose their lies." The truth is that these people were actually not killed by Boko Haram.
Recall also a time within 2017 and 2018 when Nigerian army were silently killing southern soldiers and burying them secretly. This situation continued until a woman who heard secretly that her husband was dead raised alarm, requesting to see the husband's corpse. It was at this point that the woman alongside a few others were invited to the secret burial of their husbands which they could not see. The burial took place on 14th December, 2018. According to the Punch news, the woman told her story as follow.
"I was invited for the burial of my husband with a few others this Friday in Maiduguri. Sincerely, we don't even know how many will be buried and the army is not giving us any information," she said.
A colonel who spoke to The Punch reported that the ceremony has been made private to conceal the real figure of casualties from the attack.
He said, "General Buratai said only 23 soldiers were killed in the attack. He also put the number of troops wounded in action at 31. However, we all know that it is not true. Over 100 were killed and a private burial is now being organised in order not to expose their lies." The truth is that these people were actually not killed by Boko Haram.
Watch the video below, it will help your understanding of the picture above and the explanations that follow. Be informed, information here are highly classified.
These are Southern solders abandoned to die; no gun, no bomb, no enough bullets etc.
The video above has told you a beat that your military brothers from the Southern part of Nigeria are in for destruction. Think of a world where Terrorists are sumptuously fed and paid under the flimsy excuse that they are repentant Boko Haram, while armless civilians are murdered on dailies in their numbers, then you will know that it was a mistake to be called a Nigerian.
The Real Story
The real story is that, Buhari's promise in 2015 to "quench" Boko Haram if elected president in 2015 was pure political statement. Trying to know why this intention did not mature certainly will lead you to the discovery of the origin of Boko Haram. You will also be tempted to reveal why Perry Brimah spoke without mincing words that Buhari could not sentence any terrorist to death. Imam of Peace answered these questions when he told Nigerians that Buhari is a terrorist.
The real story is that, Buhari's promise in 2015 to "quench" Boko Haram if elected president in 2015 was pure political statement. Trying to know why this intention did not mature certainly will lead you to the discovery of the origin of Boko Haram. You will also be tempted to reveal why Perry Brimah spoke without mincing words that Buhari could not sentence any terrorist to death. Imam of Peace answered these questions when he told Nigerians that Buhari is a terrorist.
Evidences of boko Haram is traced to the Goodluck Jonathan's regime. It became prominent with the ascendancy of Goodluck as the president elect. Traces of their mission were experienced in some parts of Northern Nigeria, intentionally to weaken the Goodluck led administration. That was the primary intention for which they were hired.
Boko Haram was hired by Muhammadu Buhari and other core Islamic Northerners. They were originally men brought from outside Nigeria. According to information, before their arrival, they were promised #150 billions. Purposes were simply to distract Goodluck's regime; secondly, to be retained as instrument to massacre the south, should Goodluck win the 2015 presidential election. It was on this intention that Buhari called Nigerians " Dogs and Baboons".
On arrival, the hired men were welcomed in the court of Sultan of Sokoto. There they were launched officially. This was what gave Buhari the impetus to assert vehemently that he will quench Boko Haram if elected president. Their missions were fulfilled halfway. They disturbed Goodluck's administration as were charged to. It went higher and tougher that Nigerians, mostly the North were saying that Goodluck was weak to handle insurgency.
Responding to this criticism, the then Chief of Army Staff, General Ihejirika stepped into the matter. He did a beautiful selection of trusted soldiers to wipe out the insurgent group.
He launched attack against the Boko Haram and pressed them harder. What this attempt resulted in to was a critical claim of genocide retaliation attempt against the North by the Igbo led military. Especially Buhari claimed that Ihejirika was trying to retaliate the 1966 Igbo genocide. To this end, Goodluck had to withdraw the military inversion.
When Ihejirika retired, another criticism came from the military about insufficient arms. Responding to this request landed Goodluck into trouble with the then US President, Barack Obama. Succeeding this was the planned abduction of the Chibuk girls. The video interview conducted on one of the American soldiers deployed for the "Bring back my girls' crusade" exposed us to details about Obama's plan to eject Goodluck Jonathan from the office.
All these plans were exacerbated by some shortsighted Southerners who could not see farther than their immediate gain. The fact that Goodluck might be the president in the year when oil well would be reallocated made people like Obasanjo to defect and joined Buhari. They feared that Goodluck might influence the whole formula and they may lose their financial positions in the oil field of the South Southerners. Over this and other personal reasons they joined forces with APC Buhari to overthrow Goodluck.
When Buhari finally succeeded in 2015 as Goodluck could not allow the "Dogs and Baboons" to be soaked in blood, the mission of the Boko Haram became no longer usefiu. By virtue of Buhari winning the 2015 election, there was no need for the hired men to remain. Therefore, the men left as Buhari promised he would quench it. But something happend; the #50 billion Ballance. This was not paid, so the more violent ones returned to constitute disturbances and lose of live to revenge their unpaid package.
The story told by a cousin who is a soldier exposed the military deals with Boko Haram more to me. Just like the situation in the video clip above, it is the military who inform Boko Haram about their proposed mission and where to ambush the soldiers on the mission. He was a victim of this situation, but God saved him.
They were ambushed at the very point where they were instructed to stop and prepare themselves before proceeding for the attack. They lost 5 soldiers alongside their commander. At the end, what Nigerian Military Authority did was to put them in guardroom for days. After that they were brought to military court to explain why they lost two rifles; nothing was said about the five men that fell.
Do you know why, the fallen soldiers were not northerners or Muslim. You see it in their actions. When Chardian Army killed and seized rifles belonging to Boko Haram, we all saw the video and pictures. Nigerian Army only kill hundreds of Boko Haram on news papers. You need to know that it is time we know the situation of this country.
The video below was uploaded on the 27th day of June, 2020. It will give you the explanations of other videos you have been watching and tell you why Buratai relocated to the North.
Boko Haram was hired by Muhammadu Buhari and other core Islamic Northerners. They were originally men brought from outside Nigeria. According to information, before their arrival, they were promised #150 billions. Purposes were simply to distract Goodluck's regime; secondly, to be retained as instrument to massacre the south, should Goodluck win the 2015 presidential election. It was on this intention that Buhari called Nigerians " Dogs and Baboons".
On arrival, the hired men were welcomed in the court of Sultan of Sokoto. There they were launched officially. This was what gave Buhari the impetus to assert vehemently that he will quench Boko Haram if elected president. Their missions were fulfilled halfway. They disturbed Goodluck's administration as were charged to. It went higher and tougher that Nigerians, mostly the North were saying that Goodluck was weak to handle insurgency.
Responding to this criticism, the then Chief of Army Staff, General Ihejirika stepped into the matter. He did a beautiful selection of trusted soldiers to wipe out the insurgent group.
He launched attack against the Boko Haram and pressed them harder. What this attempt resulted in to was a critical claim of genocide retaliation attempt against the North by the Igbo led military. Especially Buhari claimed that Ihejirika was trying to retaliate the 1966 Igbo genocide. To this end, Goodluck had to withdraw the military inversion.
When Ihejirika retired, another criticism came from the military about insufficient arms. Responding to this request landed Goodluck into trouble with the then US President, Barack Obama. Succeeding this was the planned abduction of the Chibuk girls. The video interview conducted on one of the American soldiers deployed for the "Bring back my girls' crusade" exposed us to details about Obama's plan to eject Goodluck Jonathan from the office.
All these plans were exacerbated by some shortsighted Southerners who could not see farther than their immediate gain. The fact that Goodluck might be the president in the year when oil well would be reallocated made people like Obasanjo to defect and joined Buhari. They feared that Goodluck might influence the whole formula and they may lose their financial positions in the oil field of the South Southerners. Over this and other personal reasons they joined forces with APC Buhari to overthrow Goodluck.
When Buhari finally succeeded in 2015 as Goodluck could not allow the "Dogs and Baboons" to be soaked in blood, the mission of the Boko Haram became no longer usefiu. By virtue of Buhari winning the 2015 election, there was no need for the hired men to remain. Therefore, the men left as Buhari promised he would quench it. But something happend; the #50 billion Ballance. This was not paid, so the more violent ones returned to constitute disturbances and lose of live to revenge their unpaid package.
The story told by a cousin who is a soldier exposed the military deals with Boko Haram more to me. Just like the situation in the video clip above, it is the military who inform Boko Haram about their proposed mission and where to ambush the soldiers on the mission. He was a victim of this situation, but God saved him.
They were ambushed at the very point where they were instructed to stop and prepare themselves before proceeding for the attack. They lost 5 soldiers alongside their commander. At the end, what Nigerian Military Authority did was to put them in guardroom for days. After that they were brought to military court to explain why they lost two rifles; nothing was said about the five men that fell.
Do you know why, the fallen soldiers were not northerners or Muslim. You see it in their actions. When Chardian Army killed and seized rifles belonging to Boko Haram, we all saw the video and pictures. Nigerian Army only kill hundreds of Boko Haram on news papers. You need to know that it is time we know the situation of this country.
The video below was uploaded on the 27th day of June, 2020. It will give you the explanations of other videos you have been watching and tell you why Buratai relocated to the North.
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