Trump to Attack Biden as Soft on Immigration in Arizona Speech

President Donald Trump plans to portray Joe Biden as soft on illegal immigration in a speech Tuesday afternoon in Yuma, Arizona.
Trump will say the Democrat’s immigration plan is “the most radical, extreme, reckless, dangerous and deadly immigration plan ever put forward by a major party candidate,” according to excerpts obtained by Bloomberg News.
Trump plans to say Biden’s immigration approach would displace American workers and make communities less safe. During the visit, Trump also will accept the endorsement of the National Border Patrol Council, an organization that represents agents and border staff.
“The Biden plan would unleash a flood of illegal immigration like the world has never seen before -- it would be a torrent of biblical proportions,” Trump plans to say. “For decades, Washington politicians like Joe Biden allowed an endless supply of illegal foreign labor to decimate American jobs and wages.”
Trump is raising the issue -- a central element of his 2016 campaign -- as he trails Biden in national polls and in surveys of voters in key states.
Biden campaign officials didn’t immediately return a message left for comment.
Reversing Trump Policies
Biden wants to immediately reverse Trump’s asylum policies aimed at dramatically restricting migrants seeking humanitarian protection in the U.S. He also advocates cutting off Defense Department money being used to pay for border wall construction.
Biden has said he plans to eliminate for-profit immigration detention centers and assure that the conditions at facilities holding asylum seekers are held to high standards. The centers have come under scrutiny over providing inadequate shelter, health care and nutrition.
Biden supports increasing the number of visas for permanent, employment based-immigration and has called for revamping the visa program for temporary workers to better accommodate employers and protect workers.
Trump also plans to attack Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, by linking her to so-called sanctuary cities during her time as a San Francisco district attorney and as California’s attorney general.
During the trip on Tuesday, Trump is scheduled to receive an update on border wall construction.
Arizona Polls
Immigration is a key issue in Arizona. He won the state in 2016, but according to a RealClear Politics compilation of polls, he currently trails Biden by an average of 2 percentage points.
Biden has drawn criticism from immigration-rights activists over his defense of Obama administration policies, which led to the deportation of 3 million people.
Yet Biden has won their praise for saying he’d take immediate action to protect Dreamers -- young adults who were brought illegally to the U.S. as children -- and their families by reinstating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that includes a path to citizenship.
Last month, the administration said it will allow certain young, undocumented immigrants to renew deportation protections for one year as his administration reviews a Supreme Court decision that blocked his efforts to end the DACA program.
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