CNN Claim on Biden's Infrastructure Plan is a Shadow of athings never to Come
What impact will Biden's agenda have on court system from his judicial nominee choices?
President of Judicial Crisis Network Carrie Severino provides insight.
CNN published a piece about President Biden’sinfrastructure plan that claimed it was a "window into Biden's soul," which many readers blasted as propaganda and kissing up to the Democratic president.
CNN White House reporter Stephen Collinson penned the piece that was labeled "analysis" despite the author’s reporter title, headlined, "Infrastructure was a Trump punchline but is a window into Biden's soul." It fawned over Biden’s proposed infrastructure plan while taking jabs at former President Donald Trump along the way.
"St. Collinson is turning into the Jim Acosta of," former CNN producer Steve Krakauer tweeted to accompany a link to the article.
Collinson wrote infrastructure was "a Washington punch line in the Trump administration" but Biden’s vision is "no joke."
Daily Caller editor-in-chief Geoffrey Ingersoll appeared baffled when he saw the piece was written by a reporter.
"The program is the latest massively ambitious sign that he senses that fate, political circumstance and shifts in public opinion offer him a sudden but fleeting opening to accomplish his long-term political aim of improving the lives of American workers," Collinson wrote. "Biden's vision now is not just for new highways, broadband and ports. He sees revived labor unions, equally shared GDP growth, easier access to health care, equal pay for women, clean energy and better child care for workers."

Collinson praised Biden for everything from Biden’s "desire for transformation" to the venue -- Pittsburgh -- where the president plans to unveil the proposal.
"The Steel City, the place where Biden launched his 2020 bid for the White House, is exactly the kind of gritty, blue collar labor union fiefdom where the President feels at home. But it is also an example of a city already on the road to accomplishing what the infrastructure plan seeks to do for the rest of America," he wrote.
Collinson claimed "Biden clearly established his authority in Washington and bolstered approval with his Covid rescue package" and suggested the current president benefited from Trump changing the GOP.
"Trump's inroads with White working class Americans and success in fracturing the conservative creed of low deficits helped may mute the classic Republican attack line about big spending Democrats and win him some support from conservative voters more open to seeing government fix their problems," Collinson wrote, adding that Trump’s White House often ditched plans to address infrastructure.
"Their plans always fell foul of Trump's volcanic temperament and torrent of scandals," he wrote. "Biden however showed in his news conference that he has a strong theory of why he was elected: to fix problems holding back working and middle class Americans."

Collinson concluded the glowing piece: "While daunting political obstacles stand in his way, the centrality of the plan he unveils Wednesday to his personal and political philosophy will ensure his commitment to the issue long outlast Trump's."
Many others took to Twitter to mock CNN:
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