Navarro: The 2020 Elections Has Had Dire Economic Consequences
Fmr Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro speaks to members of the press outside the West Wing of the White House June 18, 2020 in Washington, DC. ” (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Former White House Adviser Peter Navarrosaid the U.S. faces serious political and diplomatic risks following the 2020 elections.
“The difference between the Trump packageand the Biden package is that about a trillion of that was dedicated to bringing back our manufacturing onshore,” Former Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Director Navarro said. “That’s not what we’re doing here.”
Navarro recently noted Biden’s stimulus package was effectively a bail-out of deep blue states, rewarding them for their failed fiscal policies while funding illegal immigration into the United States. He added, Biden has abused the federal budget for partisan purposes.
“All of that goes wrong,” Navarro said. “You can spend $2 trillion and address structural issues, build your economy, build your manufacturing base and get through that, but that’s not what Biden and Obama is doing. This election was about so many things.”
Navarro also stated Biden’s economic policies will ultimately benefit China at the expense of American jobs, manufacturing and the national debt.
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