Republican Senators Against Increasing The Size Of The Supreme Court

(Photo by Stefan Zaklin/Getty Images)
Republicans on Capitol Hill have blasted Democrats for attempting to rig the Supreme Court in their favor. While speaking to reporters on Thursday, Sen. Ted Cruz, (R-Texas), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) criticized efforts from the left to pack the court.
Graham warned Democrats are attacking the integrity of the judiciary in the most vicious way, but he reassured the American people that the GOP was going to protect the court at all costs.
“We’re not going to allow the most radical liberal movement in modern American history to destroy the rule of law for partisan purposes,” Graham stated. “Why do they want more Justices? To make the court liberal, so when they fail at the ballot box, they can get the Supreme Court to enact their agenda. That’s been a liberal dream for decades. They’re willing to destroy the rule of law as we know it to achieve their goal!”
The Republican lawmakers added, this is part of a movement seeking to do away with traditional American values and to destroy judicial independence.
“What Senate Democrats and House Democrats are trying to do is fundamentally corrupt,” Cruz said. “Their first priority is to change the rules to stay in power. That tells you a lot of things, it tells you number one: They don’t believe in democracy.”
He added, the Democrats are trying to add new senators to change the Senate so they “keep control forever.”
“They’re trying to change voting in America so Democrats can never lose,” Cruz continued. “They want to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with four left wing radicals.”
When speaking about mainstream media, Blackburn said networks would hold Republicans to a double standard if the GOP tried to do the same thing as Democrats.
“Can you even imagine what Joy Reid and her MSNBC friends would be saying if Republicans had tried to pack the court?” Blackburn questioned. “They would just lose it and it would be nonstop coverage.”
The senator from Tennessee went on to say, Democrats want to turn the court into a super legislative body that would sign off on their far left agenda.
“Whether it’s the Green New Deal, whether it is H.R.1, whether it’s The Equality Act,” Blackburn noted. “And if they are successful, you will not see life protected. You will see government-run healthcare. You are not going to see your rights corrected and I guarantee they will come to take away your guns.”
At the end of their press briefing, the Senate Republicans called on Joe Biden to rein in his party and cooperate across the aisle instead of pushing for partisan legislation.
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