“….As for those who have taken the wrong route of destroying Onyendu’s legacies, Onyendu, now, regards such people as rebels or turncoats. He expresses his deep disappointment and resentment at their despicable deeds. This class of persons include those who desecrate his command and control policy.”
We paid our routine visit to our untiring, unwavering, unrelenting, rock-solid and noble client, Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, yesterday, at the DSS detention facility at Abuja. The visit, this time, was spectacular and was greeted by an infectious air of camaraderie. Onyendu was particularly enthused by the visit and preferred to describe it as ‘A SURPRISE CHRISTMAS PRESENT’.
You may not understand the peculiarity of this visit and the how significant it is. But in due course, I am certain you will be in the best position to fully appreciate the wisdom that informed it. Suffice it to say that as the lead attorney of Onyendu, I took advantage of the visit to unveil a legal giant, a distinguished and an accomplished member of the Inner Bar, whom I have chosen to fortify our defence team.
The learned Senior counsel is an excellent and a consummate learned gentleman, distinguished in academics and in the practice of law in our law courts.
The reason that informed this arrangement is my unflinching desire to throw in every weapon in our arsenal to ensure that Onyendu gets the BEST at all times.
This latest master stroke, evident in the legal giant that has intervened, came to Onyendu as a big surprise. Although he was not oblivious of my arrangement to enlist the assistance and co-operation of a Senior attorney, he did not know that I could get a Senior attorney of the rarest breed. He was particularly delighted to welcome this legal giant, a consummate member of the Inner Bar, a legal Iroko, who has distinguished himself in the practice of law, when we visited him yesterday. I must state here and now that the Senior attorney involved has been my mentor over the years. He has worked from the sidelines with our legal team since 2016. He is a man imbued with profound intellect, legal sophistry, an infectious sense of history, much like Onyendu, and of impeccable character. His brilliance radiates effortlessly. He is indeed an excellent advocate.
The stage which we have attained in the court gymnastics involving Onyendu signposts an auspicious time at which to introduce the leading and erudite member of the Inner Bar to our defence team. Henceforth, he will lead our defence team in proceedings in court. Further, in the course of our interaction with Onyendu, the legal giant singled me out for commendation. He paid me effusive compliments for my steadfastness, devotion, commitment and fidelity to Onyendu. He also variously referred to instances to buttress his conclusion. Onyendu, with a smile on his face, nodded repeatedly in approval. I was particularly touched by these references and it further fortified my firm resolution to the cause of Onyendu.
I must state that the visit we paid to Onyendu yesterday was the best visit so far. Onyendu himself acknowledged this fact. Throughout the course of the visit, he continuously referred to it as ‘A SURPRISE CHRISTMAS PRESENT’.
Onyendu continues to express his profound gratitude to millions of his teeming followers who have remained focused on the cause and who have operated within the guidelines he has long established. He deeply appreciates the conduct of all those of his followers who have remained peaceful even in the face of intimidating odds. He encourages them not to despair or relent.
As for those who have taken the wrong route of destroying Onyendu’s legacies, Onyendu, now, regards such people as rebels or turncoats. He expresses his deep disappointment and resentment at their despicable deeds. This class of persons include those who desecrate his command and control policy. Onyendu is particularly irked at their conduct.
Further, he could not hold back his anger at the activities of deviants to the cause whose main preoccupation is the perpetration of mischief that is targeted at setting back the gains that have been recorded thus far. Onyendu condemns the activities of such deviants completely. He regards them as moles among his followers and assures them that their designs will soon catch up with them.
Onyendu has also urged his followers to exercise caution and restraint in all their undertakings. He harps on the need for his followers to be civil, show understanding and remain focused on the cause, particularly in this trying period.
At the meeting yesterday, we deliberated extensively on other issues. But such deliberations, for tactical reasons, are to remain private for now.
I want to assure you, UMUCHINEKE, that our legal team, is, presently, more fortified than ever to do battle in court, and God being on our side, victory is assured.
I must hasten to declare to you that we are not relenting in our firm resolve to secure the release of other members who have been unjustly and unlawfully incarcerated in the various detention facilities of Nigeria’s security agencies all over the country. Some of those persons include Ada Nsukka, Idara, and others, who were recently abducted by lawless and overzealous agents of the state. I assure you that in due course we will effectively utilize the instrumentality of law to set them at liberty. The mere fact that we do not publicise our legal interventions in the social media space does not mean that we are not taking concrete and effective steps to secure the release of all those unjustly detained. I assure you that we have been taking effective steps and implementing concrete measures geared towards that. We have opted to desist from publicising to you our legal exploits for certain salutary reasons. It has also become necessary that we show such restraint because of the presence of moles who have infiltrated and literally taken over the social media space. We are now being circumspect, UMUCHINEKE. I must inform you that some members have been released recently. We have advised them to maintain some level of privacy in their interactions. We will not relent in our avowed determination to ensure that every member of IPOB in any detention facility in Nigeria is set at liberty within the shortest possible time.
I assure you, UMUCHINEKE, that, when expedient, I will keep you updated on every legal issue that may arise in the conduct of our defence of Onyendu. I will do so on our verified social media platforms. Be rest assured that God is on our side and that victory is ours.
Thank you and remained blessed, UMUCHINEKE.
Ifeanyi Ejiofor Esq
Lead Counsel to Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu/IPOB
21st December 2021.
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