Debates On Overturning Roe V. Wade Continue, GOP Confident
FILE – A group of anti-abortion protesters pray together in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, Dec. 1, 2021, in Washington, as the court hears arguments in a case from Mississippi, where a 2018 law would ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, well before viability. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)
As the U.S. Supreme Court continues debating on the future of abortion access nationwide, the GOP remains confident in its decades-long effort to have a landmark abortion case overturned. Justices recently heard oral arguments over a Mississippi law banning abortions after 15-weeks.
During an interview Sunday, GOP Governor Tate Reeves said there’s “some reason for optimism” the Supreme Court will uphold the 15-week ban and overturn 1973’s Roe v. Wade. Reeves, however, assured if the decision is overturned he plans on enforcing a near total ban of all abortions in his state.
“What it does mean is that all 50 states, the laboratories of democracy, are going to have the ability to enact their own laws with respect to abortion,” he stated. “I think that’s the way it should be in America.”
The Republican governor’s remarks come as Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) on Sunday said he believes it’s about time abortion law decisions be turned back to the states.
“The beauty of our system is that it’s federal, it’s got all of these different ideas,” he stated. “And when you try to nationalize, federalize the way the other side of the aisle is doing on more than just this, I think you’re constantly in that area of contention.”
Bruan also suggested he wouldn’t mind criminalizing abortion, reiterating he’d like to see “abortions eliminated from the landscape.”
“Whatever ones opinion is, whatever you think politically, why try to do it at the national level? asked the senator. “States do what they wanna do.”
During a separate interview on Sunday, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) said the best way to protect abortions would be to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. Braun suggested turning the decision back over to the states, however, would let the diversity of America show forth.
Meanwhile, former Vice President Mike Pence said he’s confident Roe v. Wade. will eventually be overturned. In a recent interview, he highlighted how it will likely be overturned due to the current Mississippi abortion case.
Pence added, steps toward this victory wouldn’t be possible if 45th president Donald Trump didn’t previously appoint three pro-life justices.
“I don’t know if it will happen now, but I know it will happen,” he asserted. “Not just because of the renewed conservative majority on the Supreme Court, but because of this extraordinary generation of conservatives that President Trump appointed to our courts all across the country.”
Pence hasn’t confirmed if he will be running for office in upcoming elections, but did say he’s committed to helping the GOP retake majorities in Congress and the White House in 2024.
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