Mike Lee Wins Utah Senatorial Race

Mike Lee wins Utah’s Senate seat.
Incumbent Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) went up against Senate candidate Evan McMullin (I-Utah) in Utah’s Senate race.
McMullin, the Democrat-backed Independent, is a former undercover CIA officer and Chief Policy Director for Congress.
His challenger, Lee, was endorsed and then re-endorsed by former President Donald Trump days leading up to the election. Lee has been in the Senate since 2011, and is working to tackle issues surrounding national security, education, the Second Amendment and healthcare.
“The great people of Utah have a gem in Mike Lee,” Trump said. He then called McMullin by another name. “He will never let you down, whereas his opponent, McMuffin, will only let you down.”
McMullin has said he would work to cut healthcare costs, inflation and political extremism.
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