Trump Continues Leading In Iowa, South Carolina Presidential Polling

According to recent polls and research, former President Trump has maintained his lead over rival GOP White House hopefuls in Iowa and South Carolina for the 2024 presidential nomination.
Trump reportedly has the backing of at least 46 percent of Republican primary voters polled in Iowa, which is 30 percentage points more than Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s 16 percent, while Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) is currently at 11% support, according to surveys released on Sunday.
The Iowa survey showed how Scott, who generally receives single-digit support, gained some traction, but Trump still remains the front-runner.
The Iowa survey, which was conducted from July 15th-19th among 805 prospective participants in the 2024 Iowa Republican caucuses, showed that no other GOP contenders garnered more than 10% support.
However, the polling also noted a possible 3.5 percentage point margin of error.

Trump also has a commanding advantage in South Carolina. According to the other Fox Business survey, the 45th president has at least 48 percent support among GOP primary voters in the state of South Carolina. Republican Nikki Haley, who was the former governor of the state, is currently in second place with 14 percent support.
DeSantis is close behind Haley with 13% support, while Scott has 10%. Other contenders did not garner double-digit support.

Despite being the target of Justice Department investigations, the latest polls show Trump with a massive lead over his GOP opponents in early voting states.
A separate online poll, which ended last Monday, asked Americans, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?” The question revealed a drop from Biden’s 41% approval rating a month earlier, within the survey’s three percentage point margin of error.
The economy under current President Joe Biden was highlighted as the main deterring factor by the majority of respondents who said they disapproved of his efforts (21%), followed by crime and corruption (15%).
In recent weeks, the White House has attempted to launch a series of events geared at lifting Americans’ pessimistic outlook on the economy, praising what it terms the Democrat president’s “Bidenomics” platform. Despite the “Bidenomics” push, Biden’s economic approval rating rose slightly but still remains much lower than what his administration and other Democrat officials are hoping for.
Other recent surveys cited Biden’s willingness to send billions in funds, military weaponry, machinery, and other assistance to Ukraine as a deterrent in the upcoming election. Many Americans appear to be becoming tired with the president’s inclination to provide greater support to other nations while our own country is in desperate need and could greatly benefit from such support.
Critics of Biden and his administration have asserted the opinion that these consistent efforts in supporting Ukraine is a “ticking time bomb” that could trigger Putin to wage war with the U.S.
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