Evidence of Animosity in Browning’s “My Last Duchess”: A Psycho Analyst's Approach to Poesy - Onyeji Nnaji

Browning’s dramatic poem, “My Last Duchess” reveals to us the callous mind of Alfonso II, the duke of Ferrara. The poem is based on the incidents in the life of Alfonso II, duke of Ferrara in Italy, whose wife, Lucrezia, a young woman died in 1561 after three years of marriage. Following her death, the duke negotiated through an agent to marry the niece of the court of Tyrol. Browning presented the duke as addressing this agent here. The poem includes such characters as Lucrezia; the duchess, Fra Pandolf; the artist, the niece of the court of Tyrol and the court agent. It was all about the death of Lucrezia whose demise was necessitated by the duke’s personal feelings to eliminate her. The event in the poem reveals the duke’s mind, his neurosis resulting from a long time repressed feelings for the duchess. This feeling was never a good type. He kept repressing the feeling, and suddenly became discharged after he had executed his wish, decapitating the duchess. Two factors ha...